Saturday, November 15, 2008

How Can We Know the Father’s Name is Yahweh.

Reprinted Here from “INSIGHT Volume 7 Number 1 October 2008”

This question is asked often, and reasonably so, as people study the Holy Scriptures searching for the truths of this ancient book; this all-time best seller. Nearly all Bible translations omit the Creator’s great Name, Yahweh, going against the divine Law which decrees we are to not take Yahweh’s name in vain, treating it as a vain thing, not even worth pronouncing. It reads “You shall not take a false oath in the name of Yahweh your Elohim; for Yahweh will not declare him innocent who takes an oath in his name falsely! (Exodus 20:7) Despite nearly 7,000 mentions of this great Being in the Old Testament, to this day armies of scholars simply look the other way when they translate YHWH as LORD in English.

The irony is, often following the lead of Jewish scholars, translators avoid an English rendering of the four Hebrew letters of the Creator’s name by claiming it’s pronunciation ” “cannot be known.” However, they somehow translate hundreds and hundreds of other Old Testament Hebrew names into English with great confidence. Also thousands of words needing vowel points for pronunciation and meaning are assuredly translated giving us the proper rendering of the text. Now honestly, how can pronunciation of all these other names, nouns, and verbs etc., be known and translated with such accuracy, but somehow Yahweh’s name is supposed to be so obscure? One can hardly avoid the suspicion that something is grossly amiss in this picture, and that a massive bias exists against this supremely important name!

But what did the Messiah Yahshua have to say about this matter of the Father’s name? Here is what He said, “I came in the name of my Father, and you did not receive me; if another should come in his own name, you would receive him.” (John 5:43). He came in the Father’s name and spoke that name: “And I have made your name known to them, and I am still making it known, so that the love with which you loved me may be among them, and I be with them.” (John 17:26; emphasis mine).

Obviously He was not omitting it, not even pronouncing it. On the contrary, He came in that Name openly speaking it! Since He spoke it, so must we! He set the example we must follow Notice, “For to this purpose you were called, because the Messiah also died for us, leaving us an example, that we should follow in his steps” (I Peter 2:21).

Now, who was His Father? There are two verses in Proverbs directly related to Yahshua’s statement: “Tell me; who has ascended up into heaven and come down? Who has gathered the wind in his fists? Who has bound the waters in a handkerchief? Who has established all the borders of the earth? What is his name, and what is his son’s name, if you can tell? 5 Every word of Elohim is pure; he is a shield to those who put their trust in him. (Proverbs. 30:4-5).

Verse 4 certainly shows this being has a Son, and it was the Son (Mark 1:1; 3:11; 13:32; Luke 8:28; John 1:18; Heb. 1:2; I John 1:3 and 2:22) who came to establish a “better covenant” (Heb. 8:6; See also 1 John 5:11 showing what the covenant does.. .gives eternal life).

Let us look as some of the texts, Proverbs. 30:4-5 “...gathered the wind in His fists ... established the ends of the earth...” in connection with Isa. 40:28: “...Yahweh ...the Creator of the end of the earth” and with Psalm 104:1,5: Bless Yahweh, O Yahweh you laid the foundation of the earth, clearly establish Yahweh is the answer to that question, “what is his name” (Proverb 30 4) He is the Father who does these things.

In conjunction with the statement in John 5:43 mentioned earlier, that he came in his Father’s name notice this record, “Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord (Greek Kurios) … Matthew 21:9, Mark 11:9) This is a quote from Psalm 118:26, in which the name Yahweh (mistranslated LORD) is explicitly used.

These Scriptures, (Pry. 30:4-5; John 5:43, and Matt. 21:9) give us weighty evidence that Yahshua came in Yahweh’s great name as His representative, showing that Yahweh is the Father’s name. There are many such Old Testament passages quoted in the New Testament which nail down that Yahweh’s name was used extensively by Yahshua when referring to “the Father.”

Another important point is the Messiah came preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of Yahweh. He even gave a model prayer in which He said, “...Father who art in heaven ..THY Kingdom come ..” (Luke 11:2). So it was, and is, the Father’s Kingdom which is to come on the earth. Who is the Father? Yahweh is His name.

Here is another example where a Greek name, theos [is translated in a quote of the Old Testament clearly showing the Greek word should be translated as Yahweh. The Father’s identity is shown by noting that the King James Version of the Bible and most all other versions use the word “God” in Mark 1:14: “...Yahshua came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God” (also v. 15, and Acts 20:25).

The word “God” is the Greek word “theos” which refers to a Greek deity, as mentioned above. This same word is used in Matthew 4:4, “But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” This verse is a quote of Deuteronomy 8:3 in which LORD (KJV) instead of God is used to translate the Creator’s name. The word LORD (in capitals) is used to replace the Hebrew YHWH, the Tetragramaton, pronounced “Yahweh” and is well known despite cries to the contrary. Note, the short or “poetic” form “Jah” [should replace “J”: “Yah”] is explicitly translated in some versions (Psa. 68:4; KJV, Young’s Literal, Concordant Old Testament).

What this tells us is that theos should be translated Yahweh, not the other way around, since Yahshua is directly quoting the Law. Too, since the Law absolutely cannot change, “It is easier for heaven and earth to pass then one tittle of the law to fail.” (Luke 16:17), it is totally illegal to substitute any other name for Yahweh in the law! Theos is not the same as Yahweh. The Greek writers simply made a grievous mistake in putting Theos for Yahweh in Yahshua’s quote of Deuteronomy 8:3. Yahshua would not replace the name the name of the Heavenly Father with a pagan deity’s name. Remember it was Yahshua who emphatically said, “.. Hallowed be thy name (Mathew 6:9).

But is not the first or only time someone illegally replaced the name of Yahweh with the name of a pagan deity as we have seen in other examples already.

Here is an explicit undeniable example from history. The original use of Yahweh in the Greek is found in the Septuagint, the Greek Old Testament (denoted: LXX) where earlier copies retained YHWH in the otherwise Greek text and not “Kurios” (Lord). A fragment of a first century C.E., LXX quoting Zech. 8:19-21 and 8:23-9:4 uses “Yahweh.” This copy is in Jerusalem’s Israel Museum.

But notice this! The Alexandrine Manuscript of the LXX dated 400 years LATER, replaced “Yahweh” with KY and KC, abbreviated forms of the Greek “Kurios” (“Lord”), (See The DIVINE NAME That Will Endure Forever[1]). Obviously, someone tampered with the text and replaced Yahweh with the Greek deity Kurios!

The fragment of the LXX containing YHWH, the Tetragramaton, is the Greek Papyrus Fouad 266:
W.G. Waddell, The Tetragramaton in the LXX, JTS 45 (1944), 157-61. Ernst Wurthwein’s, The Text of the Old Testament, Plate 29 (179) also shows the Tetragramaton in the later square Hebrew script within the Greek text.

The Greek Papyrus Fouad 266 is one of the earliest examples of the LXX. Wurthwein (p. 6) also says, Tètragramaton is found in the old (archaic) Hebrew letters much differently shaped then the latter square characters. In a fragmentary leather scroll containing the Greek text of the minor prophets.” This scroll apparently written between 50 BCE and CE 50 was discove4l in 1952[2].

The tetragramaton, the four letters of the Creator’s name, is inscribed numerous churches and cathedrals. It is detailed on the forehead of a statue representing an angel found on the tomb of Pope Clement XIII in St. Pete Basilica, the Vatican. It can also be seen in the Foujrviere Catholic Basilica, Lyons France, the Bourges Cathedral, France, a church in La Celle, Dunoise, France, a church in Digne, southern France, a church in Sao Paulo, Brazil, the Strasbourg Cathedral, France, and Saint Mark’s Cathedral, Venice, Italy.

Who can reasonably ignore Yahweh’s great name in the face of all this evidence? Let us praise the name of Yahweh as did David and numerous others over the centuries!

[1] Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania 1984, p26
[2] See The Bible Advocate From Our readers section June 1991; p16

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Why I Proclaim the Name of Yahweh

The most common question I hear among those that I share the truth of the name is "Doesn't Yahweh know who I'm talking to? Why does it matter what I call Him, He answers me anyway?"

I believe that it is true. Yahweh does and will answer prayer and accept praise from those who have no knowledge of His true name. But what about those who DO know but don't care?
Psalms 44:20-21 (YEVdr) : 20 And yet we have not forgotten the name of our Elohim, or stretched out our hands to stranger elohims; 21 Elohim will look into this thing, for he knows the secrets of the heart.

What does Yahweh really want us to do on this issue? Continue to call Him whatever we want? Or to call Him by the name He has assigned to Himself? I do not think there is anything wrong with calling Yahweh our Father, Master, Creator, etc. which are all fitting titles. What I think Yahweh would have a real problem with, is changing His name from Yahweh to "Lord" It is extremely ironic, if not prophetic what Yahweh declared to Jeremiah when we understand that the word "Baal" means "Lord."
Jeremiah 23:26-27 (YEVdr): 26 How long shall there be in the mouth of the false prophets, prophecies of lies? Prophecies of the deceit of their own hearts? 27 Who think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbor, as their fathers forgot my name and served Baal.

Also consider what Yahweh declared to Hosea:
Hosea 2:16-17 (YEVdr): 16 And it shall be on that day, says Yahweh, that you shall call me, my husband, and shall call me no more Baali. 17 For I will take away the name of Baal out of her mouth, and they shall no more remember his name.

I tell you, it struck me as odd that Baal's name is never changed or translated and therefore lives on while Yahweh's name is falsified over 7000 times in scripture! But I think I might know why. See here, if they did try to translate the name Baal, then there is one thing they would have to deal with. Look at how the verse would read if they did not restore Yahweh's name:
1 King 18:21 (YEVdr): 21 ¶ Then Eliyah came near to all the people, and said, How long will you halt between two opinions? If Yahweh is Elohim, follow him, but if Baal is elohim, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.

One might be quite confused when reading the text. Because of this relationship between Baal and Lord, I prefer not to use Lord at all. Lord is the word used to replace Yahweh's name. I'm not saying that the entire Christian world is worshiping "Baal", but the coincidence here seems quite striking. It is truth that many times in scripture, we see His people calling on His name. Men during the time of Adam called on the name of Yahweh
Genesis 4:26 (YEVdr): 26 And to Seth also born a son was born; and he called his name Enosh. Then men began to call on the name of Yahweh.

Abraham called upon the name of Yahweh:
Genesis 12:7-8 (YEVdr) 7 Then Yahweh appeared to Abram and said to him, To your descendants will I give this land; and Abram built an altar to Yahweh there, for he had appeared to him. 8 And from there he removed to a mountain on the east of Beth-el, and pitched his tent, having Beth-el on the west, and Ai on the east; and there he built an altar to Yahweh and called upon the name of Yahweh,

Moshe called upon the name of Yahweh:
Exodus 3:15 (YEVdr) 15 And Elohim moreover said to Moses, This is what you shall say to the children of Israel: Yahweh Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac, and the Elohim of Jacob, has sent me to you; this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial to all generations.

David called upon the name of Yahweh:
Psalms 116:13 (YEVdr): 13 I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of Yahweh.
Psalms 116:17 (YEVdr): 17 I will offer to you the sacrifice of thanksgiving and will call upon the name of Yahweh.

EliYah the prophet called upon the name of Yahweh:1 Kings 18:24 (YEVdr) 24 And you call on the name of your elohims, and I will call on the name of Yahweh my Elohim; and the Elohim who answers by fire, he is Elohim. And all the people answered and said, You have spoken well.

Yahushua the Messiah called upon the name of Yahweh:
John 17:25-26 (YEVdr): 25 O my righteous Father, the world did not know you, but I have known you; and these have known that you sent me. 26 And I have made your name known to them, and I am still making it known, so that the love with which you loved me may be among them, and I be with them.

What more do we need? If the scriptures are written for our learning and righteous men for our example, do the scriptures not clearly show that HIS people call on His name? Let's see what else the word of Yahweh says:
Isaiah 52:6 (YEVdr): 6 Therefore my people shall know my name in that day; for it is I who spoke; behold, it is I.

Let's look at an end time prophecy. Will Yahweh's people be calling on His name at that time, in this age?
Zechariah 13:7-9 (YEVdr): 7 ¶ Awake, O sword, against my shepherd and against the man who is my friend, says Yahweh of hosts; smite the shepherd, and his sheep shall be scattered; and I will turn my hand against the great ones. 8 And it shall come to pass that in all the land, says Yahweh, two parts therein shall perish and be destroyed; but the third shall be left therein. 9 And I will cause the third part to pass through the fire, and will refine them as they refine silver, and will try them as they try gold; they shall call on my name, and I will answer them; I will say,They are my people; and they shall say, Yahweh is my Elohim.

Here is another prophetic scripture reveals His people are using His name:
Revelation 14:1 (YEVdr) 1 Then I looked, and, lo, the Lamb stood on mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand in number, having the name of his Father written on their brows.

Clearly, His people use His name. Some have said that these scriptures that speak of His name do not actually speak of the literal spoken and written name of Yahweh but rather His character and reputation. A simple study of the meaning of the word "Shem" that is translated "name" in our english bibles will reveal that this word, very much like our English word, not only means a "character" but also means a literal written and spoken name. If I say to you that I come in the name of peace, then I am telling you that I want to characterize myself as offering peace. These things are indeed true. However, if I told you that my name was David King then I would not be telling you the truth. Here is an example of a falsification:
Isaiah 42:8 (YEVdr): 8 I am Yahweh; that is my name; and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.
has been changed to:
Isaiah 42:8 (NKJV): 8 I am the Lord, that is My name; And My glory I will not give to another, Nor My praise to carved images.

The latter statement is simply not true! And its not like it was a simple mistake by the translators. It was completely on purpose. And it had unscriptural intentions. Most prefaces of bible translations will cite familiarity and tradition as the reasons for the substitutions. This is clearly against what Yahweh has told us to do in the scriptures.

If we say HalleluYah, we can know what it really means! (HalleluYAH means "Praise You YAHweh") When we end a prayer in Yahushua's name, we can know what it really means. (YAHushua means "YAHweh is salvation") When we speak to Yahweh, it is on a personal basis through a personal name. If we proclaim Yahweh, we can know that we are proclaiming His name, just as all those in scriptures have done.
As Moshe said:
Deuteronomy 32:1-3 (YEVdr): "Give ear, O heavens, and I will speak; and let the earth hear the words of my mouth. 2 My word shall drop as rain, my speech shall fall as dew, as the gentle wind upon the tender herbs, and as the showers upon the grass; 3 For I will call upon the name of Yahweh; ascribe majesty to our Elohim, the Mighty One.

I believe it all comes down to a choice. Whether one will choose the excuses of men or the word of Yahweh Almighty.

I thank the person who wrote this article which can be found What I have done though is to quote a version I am working on which I have tentatively called the “Yahweh Elohim Version” which is draft form hence the ref YEVdr.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

“Why it is Very Important to Us : The Name YHWH”

Prov.22:1 “A Good Name is better than great riches”; and
Ecc.7:1 says, "A Good Name is better than a precious ointment .. ."

by John V. Cordaro
With Scripture Texts from the draft Yahweh Elohim Version of the Bible which I am Preparing.

These verses use the word "name" as a synonym for "reputation." Most of us are familiar with Billy Graham the famous evangelist. He has a very good name or reputation among the people of this world. What will happen if the history books are rewritten and his name, "Billy Graham," was deleted and "the evangelist" was put in its place? Eventually his good name would be forgotten. The world would no longer know an individual who was identified as "Billy Graham." Instead, they would remember a generic title that could be applied to any of thousands of evangelists.

Such a change would be a tragic injustice to such a man. Such is the tragic injustice that has befallen our Creator's Name. Is.63:16 reads, "For you are our Father, though Abraham knew us not and Israel did not acknowledge us; you, O Yahweh, are our Father, and our Saviour; your name is from everlasting. " Yahweh has eternally existed. During that time He has borne the Name "Yahweh." There was never a time when He did not exist as "Yahweh." He later revealed His Name to Adam, Eve, and all the great patriarchs. He revealed His desire concerning His Name in Ex.9:16; "But for this cause have I raised you to the throne, to show you my power, and that my name may be declared throughout all the earth." Yahweh wanted the entire world, not just His people Israel, to know His Name and to declare it. It was to spread from mouth to mouth just as we spread the good news of salvation today.But what happened? Over the course of time the greatest history book in the world was rewritten, Yahweh's Name was removed, and generic titles (kurios, the LORD, GOD) were substituted in its place. As a result, the world no longer declares His Name mouth to mouth. They no longer identify the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the Mighty One of the Exodus, etc., by His eternal Name "Yahweh." Instead, they profess to honor and remember Him by titles that can be applied to many. Notice this “For though there are those that are called elohims, whether in heaven or earth, just as there are many elohims and many masters”, (1 Cor.8:5). They have forgotten His Name, “And yet we have not forgotten the name of our Elohim, or stretched out our hands to stranger elohims; Elohim will look into this thing, for he knows the secrets of the heart. (Ps.44:20,21).Yahweh is now working in the hearts of men and women worldwide as He Himself restores His Name to their lips. We read in Jer.16:21; "Therefore, look, I will show them, and at this time I will make known to them my hand and my might; and they shall know that my name is Yahweh.” It is Yahweh Himself that is causing people in these latter days to know that His Name is "Yahweh." Again, we read in Ezek.39:7, “So I will make my holy name known among my people Israel; and I will not let them profane my holy name any more: and the Gentiles shall know that I am Yahweh, the Holy One of Israel”. We see by this verse that "the Gentiles shall know" that He is Yahweh. How will they know unless someone declares it to them? Yahweh Himself will declare it (or make it known) through His people that walk in His name; “…we will walk in the name of Yahweh our Elohim for ever and ever”. (Micah.4:5). One of the ways to pollute Yahweh's Name is by substituting false names and titles in its place. That causes His Name to become just the opposite of "holy" (something set apart). The Name becomes meaningless and worthless.This substitution of error for truth is a transgression of Yahweh's explicit command not to add to or delete from His Word. Deut.4:2 read “You shall not add to the commandment which I command you, neither shall you take from it, but you must keep the commandments of Yahweh your Elohim which I command you”) and Prov.30:5-6 reads, “Every word of Elohim is pure; he is a shield to those who put their trust in him. Do not add to his words; otherwise he reprove you, and you be found a liar.

To remove the Tetragrammaton YHWH from the text is to delete from His Word. To substitute "LORD," "GOD," "Kurios," "Adonai," etc. in its place is to add to His Word. It is sin. Believers are not to sin. We are to worship in truth, not error.The deletion of Yahweh's Name has led to confusion concerning certain Scriptures. For example, the KJV of Ps.110:1 reads, "The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool." The first "LORD" is the Tetragrammaton YHWH, the Heavenly Father's Name. The second "Lord" is the Hebrew "adoni" and is a reference to Messiah. If one does not understand that "LORD" in all capitals is a substitution for the Name, it becomes difficult to discern the difference in identities spoken of here. The KJV translation of Acts 2:21 says, "And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved." Since the title "Lord" is applied to Yahweh and His Son Yahshua, a superficial reading of this verse can lead one to believe Yahshua is the subject.
This, however, is a quote from Joel 2:32 which read “And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of Yahweh shall be delivered; for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as Yahweh has said to the remnant whom Yahweh has called.” Here "Yahweh" is used in the Hebrew text instead of "Lord" and is a reference to Yahshua's Father. This shows clearly who the subject is, namely Yahweh not Yahshua.When the Almighty sent Moses to deliver Israel from Egypt He said, "And Elohim said moreover to Moses, This is what you shall say to the children of Israel: Yahweh Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac, and the Elohim of Jacob, has sent me to you; this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial to all generations.” (Ex.3:15).

"Yahweh" is the Name Israel was to know and remember their Mighty One by. Since there was no other being, man or deity, bearing that Name in this universe, it would be very valuable and concise in identifying who they worshiped. Does "the LORD" identify Yahweh? "Baal" means "lord" in Hebrew. If I say, "I worship the Lord," who do I mean, Yahshua, Baal, Yahweh, Lord Krishna? But if I say, "I worship Yahweh," there is no question who I worship. This memorial Name will last forever, regardless of the many attempts by man and Satan to hide it or destroy it. “Your name, O Yahweh, endures for ever; and your memorial, O Yahweh, throughout all generations”. (Ps.135:13). Those that do remember His Name will have their own names entered into a special "book of remembrance" Notice this “These were the things which those who revered Yahweh spoke often one to another; and Yahweh gave ear and heard it, and he wrote it in a book of remembrance before him for those who revere him and for those who praise his name”. (Mal.3:16).
Yahweh's Name is so important that it is used as a seal to protect the servants of Yahweh. In Rev.7:3 we see the 144,000 receiving a mark in their brows. “Do not hurt the earth, neither the sea nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our Elohim upon their brows. And I heard the number of those who were sealed; and it was a hundred and forty four thousand, of all the tribes of the children of Israel.” Rev.14:1 reveals that mark to be the Heavenly Father's Name written in their foreheads. “And I looked, and, lo, the Lamb stood on mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand in number, having the name of his Father written on their brows”. I believe this is symbolic of knowing and calling upon through daily use the Name "Yahweh." Without that seal the 144,000 would receive the trumpet judgments just as the wicked will. Notice this “And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men who do not have the seal of Elohim on their brows.” (Rev.9:4). Those that overcome will also have the Father's Name written upon their brows. “He who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my Elohim, and he shall not go out again; and I will write upon him the name of my Elohim and the name of the new Jerusalem which comes down out of heaven from my Elohim; and I will write upon him my new name. (Rev.3:12) and also “And they shall see his face, and his name shall be on their foreheads”. (Rev 22:4).Yahweh's Name appears over 6,800 times in the Old Testament Hebrew. I believe it was inspired to be written for two reasons;
1) To identify the Creator and Elohim of Israel,
2) So readers of Scripture would vocalize the Name.

With the deletion of the Name neither of these reasons can be realized. The appearance of the Tetragrammaton within the Hebrew text then becomes needless. Man has exalted his will over the Almighty's, his traditions over the commands of Yahweh, and substituted words of his own choosing (words, incidentally, that neither translate nor transliterate the Tetragrammaton).Psalm 68:4 is one of the 613 positive commandments found in Scripture. It reads, “Sing to Elohim, sing praises to his name; extol him who rides upon the heavens; YAH is his name, rejoice before him”. Not only are we to extol Him by His Name, we are to exalt, praise, love, hallow, sanctify, declare, magnify, know, and walk in, the Name of Yahweh. Notice these requirements:

Praise: “And you shall say in that day, Praise Yahweh, call upon his name, declare his doings among the Gentiles, make mention that his name is exalted.” (Is.12:4)

Praise: Praise Yahweh. Praise, O you servants of Yahweh, praise the name of Yahweh. (Ps.113:1)

Love: “Also to the sons of the strangers who follow Yahweh, to serve him and to love the name of Yahweh, to be his servants, every one who keeps from profaning the sabbath and takes hold of my covenant” (Is.56:6)

Hallowed: Therefore pray in this manner: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. (Mt.6:9)

Sanctify: “But when his children see the work of my hands in the midst of him, they shall sanctify my name and sanctify the Holy One of Jacob and shall glorify the Elohim of Israel. (Is.29:23)

Known: “And I have made your name known to them, and I am still making it known, so that the love with which you loved me may be among them, and I be with them”. (Jn.17:26)

Magnified: “And let your name be magnified for ever, and let everything be as you have said, O Yahweh of hosts, the Elohim of Israel; and let the house of your servant David be established before you for ever” (2 Sam.7:26)

Know: “Therefore, behold, I will show them, and at this time I will make known to them my hand and my might; and they shall know that my name is Yahweh (Jer.16:21)

Day: “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of Yahweh” Mal.4:5).Finally, please consider the issue of imparting the blessing upon people. In Num.6:22-27 we read, "And Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying, Speak to Aaron and to his sons and say to them, Thus you shall bless the children of Israel, saying to them, Yahweh bless you and keep you; Yahweh make his face shine upon you and give you life; Yahweh lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel, and I will bless them”.

Not only does this command from the Almighty teach us how to impart the blessing on others, it identifies who it is we are requesting the blessing from. But more importantly, verse 27 teaches us that Yahweh's Name must be "put..upon" the recipient. This is accomplished by the laying on of hands and vocalizing or invoking the Sacred Name "Yahweh." When that procedure is followed in obedience to Yahweh's directions, He will act favorably upon our request and will indeed bless the recipient.The Sacred Name doctrine is one of the most important teachings found in Scripture. To treat Yahweh's Holy Name lightly is a grave mistake. To reject its use in favor of false titles and false names is to belittle its importance and consider it a vain thing (nothingness, emptiness, worthless).If you are calling your Heavenly Father by generic, man-made titles, I admonish you to prayerfully and carefully consider what you have just read. The Sacred Name can easily be restored to your lips if you will allow the Holy Spirit to lead you into this great truth.

Acknowledgement and Appreciation
I acknowledge and express my appreciation to John V. Cordaro who wrote this article, all I had to do was added the Scriptural texts which I quoted from a New Bible Translation which I am preparing and have tentatively called the “Yahweh Elohim Version (YEV).

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Name of Yahweh Restricted in the Catholic Church

Hello! Please take a look at this article of interest to us who worship Yahweh our great Creator:
"Vatican Orders the Name Yahweh Removed from Liturgical Texts"

August 14, 2008 10:26 am SBrinkmann Breaking News
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDSStaff Writer

“Yahweh, I know you are near . . .” is the opening verse in one of America’s most popular hymns, but the Vatican has directed that when referring to God in liturgical texts or hymns, the name Yahweh should not be used out of respect for Catholic tradition as well as Jewish sensitivities about pronouncing the name of God.
In an August 8 letter, Bishop Arthur J. Serratelli of Paterson, chairman of the US bishops’ Committee on Divine Worship, announced the new Vatican directives on the use of the name of God in the sacred liturgy.
Bishop Serratelli said the directives would not “force any changes to official liturgical texts” or to the bishops’ current missal translation project but would likely have “some impact on the use of particular pieces of liturgical music in our country as well as in the composition of variable texts such as the general intercessions for the celebration of the Mass and the other sacraments.”
John Limb, publisher of OCP in Portland, Oregon, told the Catholic News Service (CNS) that the most popular hymn in the OCP repertoire that would be affected was Dan Schutte’s “You Are Near,” which begins, “Yahweh, I know you are near.”
However, GIA publications, another major Catholic publisher of hymnals, said no major revisions will be necessary because of the company’s longtime editorial policy against use of the word “Yahweh.”
Kelly Dobbs-Mickus, senior editor at GIA Publications, told CNS that the policy, which dates to 1986, was based not on Vatican directives but on sensitivity to concerns among observant Jews about pronouncing the name of God. As an example, she cited Heinrich Schutz’s “Thanks Be to Yahweh,” which appears in a GIA hymnal under the title “Thanks Be to God.”
Bishop Serratelli said the Vatican decision also would provide “an opportunity to offer catechesis for the faithful as an encouragement to show reverence for the name of God in daily life, emphasizing the power of language as an act of devotion and worship.”
Accompanying his letter to the bishops was the two page directive from the Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments, dated June 29 and addressed to episcopal conferences around the world.
“By directive of the Holy Father, in accord with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, this congregation … deems it convenient to communicate to the bishops’ conferences … as regards the translation and the pronunciation, in a liturgical setting, of the divine name signified in the sacred Tetragrammaton,” said the letter signed by Cardinal Francis Arinze and Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith, congregation prefect and secretary, respectively.
The Tetragrammaton is YHWH, the four consonants of the ancient Hebrew name for God.
The two Vatican officials note that these directives already existed in “Liturgiam Authenticam,” the congregation’s 2001 document on liturgical translations. This document states that “the name of almighty God expressed by the Hebrew Tetragrammaton and rendered in Latin by the word ‘Dominus,’ is to be rendered into any given vernacular by a word equivalent in meaning.”
However, the Vatican letter goes on to explain: “Notwithstanding such a clear norm, in recent years the practice has crept in of pronouncing the God of Israel’s proper name. The practice of vocalizing it is met with both in the reading of biblical texts taken from the Lectionary as well as in prayers and hymns, and it occurs in diverse written and spoken forms,” including Yahweh, Jahweh and Yehovah.

© All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly/Women of Grace.
My comment:

What this article proves is that Yahweh is the true name of the Elohim of Avraham, Yitzhak and Ya’akov. Yahweh is not the Hebrew Name of God, think about it. In fact God is the English word used by the King James translators to refer to the Elohim of Israel. That is the truth of the matter. His name as is evident in the Original Text is Yah (Psalm 68:4) as a short form for Yahweh; let us understand the implication very clearly.

In fact “G-d (God, Gud, Gad etc) is the name of the pagan deity of “good fortune” as seen in Isaiah 65 which reads in verse 11 “But as for you who have forsaken Yahweh and have forgotten his holy mountain, who prepare tables for Gad, the elohim of good fortune and have poured out wine into bowls for Meni, the elohim of Destiny.”

This needs to be understood most clearly. It is relevant to those who worship God but not relevant to those who worship YHWH, who is the one true Elohim amongst the field of elohims that is worshipped today. He is the only sovereign ruler of the universe who is worthy to be worshipped. I think this is good, so that people can distinguish who they worship clearly because God is not Yahweh and Yahweh is not God.

Apenisa Naigulevu

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Why I Proclaim The Name Of Yahweh

This article I borrowed with much appreciation from:
The most common question I hear among those that I share the truth of the name is "Doesn't Yahweh know who I'm talking to? Why does it matter what I call Him, He answers me anyway?" I believe that it is true. Yahweh does and will answer prayer and accept praise from those who have no knowledge of His true name. But what about those who DO know but don't care?

Psalm 44:20-21 “And yet we have not forgotten the name of our Elohim, or stretched out our hands to stranger elohims; 21 Elohim will look into this thing, for he knows the secrets of the heart.”

What does Yahweh really want us to do on this issue? Continue to call Him whatever we want? Or to call Him by the name He has assigned to Himself?
I do not think there is anything wrong with calling Yahweh our Father, Master, Creator, etc. which are all fitting titles. What I think Yahweh would have a real problem with is changing His name from Yahweh to "Lord" It is extremely ironic, if not prophetic what Yahweh declared to Jeremiah when we understand that the word "Baal" means "Lord."

Jeremiah 23:26,27 "How long will this be in the heart of the prophets who prophesy lies? Indeed they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart, who try to make My people forget My name by their dreams which everyone tells his neighbor, as their fathers forgot My name for Baal."(LORD)

Also consider what Yahweh declared to Hosea:

Hosea 2:16 And it shall be at that day, saith Yahweh, that thou shalt call me Ishi (My Husband); and shalt call me no more Baali. (My lord) For I will take away the names of Baalim out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name.

I tell you, it struck me as odd that Baal's name is never changed or translated and therefore lives on while Yahweh's name is falsified over 7000 times in scripture! But I think I might know why. See here, if they did try to translate the name Baal, then there is one thing they would have to deal with. Look at how the verse would read if they did not restore Yahweh's name:

1 Kings 18:21 And Elijah came to all the people, and said, "How long will you falter between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Lord (Baal), follow him." But the people answered him not a word.

One might be quite confused when reading the text. Because of this relationship between Baal and Lord, I prefer not to use Lord at all. Lord is the word used to replace Yahweh's name. I'm not saying that the entire Christian world is worshiping "Baal", but the coincidence here seems quite striking.
It is truth that many times in scripture, we see His people calling on His name. Men during the time of Adam called on the name of Yahweh

Genesis 4:26 And as for Seth, to him also a son was born; and he named him Enosh. Then [men] began to call on the name of Yahweh.

Abraham called upon the name of Yahweh:
Genesis 12:7 Then Yahweh appeared to Abram and said, "To your descendants I will give this land." And there he built an altar to Yahweh, who had appeared to him. 8 And he moved from there to the mountain east of Bethel, and he pitched his tent [with] Bethel on the west and Ai on the east; there he built an altar to Yahweh and called on the name of Yahweh.

Moshe called upon the name of Yahweh:
Exodus 3:15 Moreover Elohim said to Moses, "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel: `Yahweh Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac, and the Elohim of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations.'

David called upon the name of Yahweh:

Psalm 116:13 I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of Yahweh.
Psalm 116:17 17 I will offer to you the sacrifice of thanksgiving and will call upon the name of Yahweh.

EliYah the prophet called upon the name of Yahweh:
1 Kings 18:24 "Then you call on the name of your gods, and I will call on the name of Yahweh; and the Elohim who answers by fire, He is Elohim." So all the people answered and said, "It is well spoken."

Yahushua the Messiah called upon the name of Yahweh:
John 17:25 "O righteous Father! The world has not known You, but I have known You; and these have known that You sent Me. 26 "And I have declared to them Your name, and will declare [it], that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them."

What more do we need? If the scriptures are written for our learning and righteous men for our example, do the scriptures not clearly show that HIS people call on His name? Let's see what else the word of Yahweh says:

Isaiah 52:6 Therefore My people shall know My name; Therefore they shall know in that day That I am He who speaks: `Behold, it is I.'

Let's look at an end time prophecy. Will Yahweh's people be calling on His name at that time, in this age?

Zechariah 13:7 "Awake, O sword, against My Shepherd, Against the Man who is My Companion," Says Yahweh of hosts. "Strike the Shepherd, And the sheep will be scattered; Then I will turn My hand against the little ones. 8 And it shall come to pass in all the land," Says Yahweh, "That two-thirds in it shall be cut off and die, But one- third shall be left in it: 9 I will bring the [one]-third through the fire, Will refine them as silver is refined, And test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name, And I will answer them. I will say, `This [is] My people'; And each one will say, `Yahweh is my Elohim.' "

Here is another prophetic scripture reveals His people are using His name:

Revelation 14:1 Then I looked, and behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with Him one hundred [and] forty-four thousand, having His Father's name written on their foreheads.

Clearly, His people use His name. Some have said that these scriptures that speak of His name do not actually speak of the literal spoken and written name of Yahweh but rather His character and reputation. A simple study of the meaning of the word "Shem" that is translated "name" in our english bibles will reveal that this word, very much like our English word, not only means a "character" but also means a literal written and spoken name. If I say to you that I come in the name of peace, then I am telling you that I want to characterize myself as offering peace. These things are indeed true.
However, if I told you that my name was JimBob then I would not be telling you the truth. Here is an example of a falsification:

Isaiah 42:8 I am Yahweh, that is My name; And My glory I will not give to another, Nor My praise to carved images.

has been changed to:

If we say HalleluYah, we can know what it really means! (HalleluYAH means "Praise You YAHweh") When we end a prayer in Yahushua's name, we can know what it really means. (YAHushua means "YAHweh is salvation") When we speak to Yahweh, it is on a personal basis through a personal name. If we proclaim Yahweh, we can know that we are proclaiming His name, just as all those in scriptures have done.
As Moshe said:

Deut 32:1 "Give ear, O heavens, and I will speak; And hear, O earth, the words of my mouth. 2 Let my teaching drop as the rain, My speech distill as the dew, As raindrops on the tender herb, And as showers on the grass. 3 For I proclaim the name of Yahweh: Ascribe greatness to our Elohim.

I believe it all comes down to a choice, whether one will choose the excuses of men or the word of Yahweh Almighty.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Who is God

I haven’t been updating this blog because I do not see anyone interested in the least. That is until this morning when I received an email that talks about the the sacrd name of Elohim.

Last Sabbath, our group (i.e. Dick, Rose, Cathy, Suruj and I) met at Bayview Estate, to discuss the origin of the word God and the following article was what we used in that discussion. It is interesting it also confirmed in our minds the need to begin to bring into public knowledge the holy and sacred name of the one only Elohim, the Elohim of the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Read it and think about it. My appreciation to the source of this article.

Who is 'God'? - or - 'GOD' IS ...
Based on an article by Lee R. Collins
(EDITORS NOTE: You can not judge a book by the cover nor an article by its title. This article is not taking issue with YHWH. You must read it to see who it is taking issue with, and you may be surprised.)

Someone once said, "A rose by any other name smells just as sweet. "To rephrase the statement, "You may call it whatever you will, but it still remains the same."

'Christianity' has said, "'God' has many names and you may address him by whatever name you wish!" But yet, applied to different circumstances 'Christianity' has said, "If we CHANGE THE NAME of something, it changes what it is!" An example of the latter thought is seen in the customs of 'Christianity,' for example: 'Christmas,' Easter, the resurrection, baptism, bread and wine, tongues, lent, and nearly all other customs of the 'Christian' church. These customs all came right out of GROSS PAGANISM, but the church says, "BY CHANGING THE NAME of the custom and giving it a 'Christian' name, IT MAKES EVERYTHING A-OK."
But, I can not accept that kind of logic. CHANGING THE NAME of something WILL EITHER change the thing, or IT WILL NOT change the thing. You can not have it both ways, sometimes changing it and sometimes not. So, back to the original question, "Who Is 'God'?" He was named 'Gad'

The very FIRST time I find 'God' in HISTORY, is in the first book of Moses, called Genesis. No, NOT Gen. l:l, but Gen. 30:11, notice:

"And Leah's maid Zilpah bore Jacob a son. Then Leah said, 'A troop comes!' So she called his name 'Gad' (Gen. 30:10-11).
I KNOW that 'Christians' and all others who worship 'God' will raise a "fuss" and argue that 'Gad' is NOT 'God.' But, don't be too hasty, let's see. The above verse is from the King James Version and just by itself it looks INNOCENT ENOUGH. But remember we are looking for TRUTH and the wolf in sheep's clothing looked innocent enough.
The English word "troop" in verse 11 (KJV) comes from the Hebrew word "gad" #H1409 in Strong's 1 and means "fortune" or luck. The English word "Gad" in verse 11 comes from the Hebrew word "Gad" (gawd) #H1410 in Strong's and is "a son of Jacob."
Now lets read these verses in the Tanakh: 2

"And when Leah's maid Zilpah bore Jacob a son, Leah said, 'What luck! So she named him 'Gad' (Gen. 30:10-11 Tanakh)
Next let's see those verses in the New Revised Standard Bible:

"Then Leah's maid Zilpah bore Jacob a son. And Leah said, 'Good fortune!' so she named him 'Gad'" (Gen. 30:10-11 NRS).

With all of that in mind it is interesting to note Strong's definition for #H1408: "Gad (gad); a variation of #H1409; Fortune, a Babylonian deity. Thus we see that the 'Christian' Dr. Strong did not completely lie about the meaning of the Hebrew word "gad," he said it means "the pagan deity fortune." However, it seems he did try to hide the meaning by making it appear as three different definitions. Yes, wolves in the clothing of sheep, will try to pull the wool over your eyes.

Now let's ask WHY would this child of Jacob be named THIS name, and WHAT does this have to do with WHO 'GOD' IS? To answer that we will go in the Scripture to the place where Jacob and his family are leaving Laban and going back to Canaan:

"And he [Jacob] carried away all his cattle, and all his goods which he had gotten, the cattle of his getting, which he had gotten in Padanaram, for to go to Isaac his father in the land of Canaan. And Laban went to shear his sheep: and Rachel had stolen the IMAGES that were her father's. (Gen. 31:19KJV)

The NKJV says: "Rachel had stolen the household idols that were her father's."
So, what does that have to with it?
First: Laban lived in UR of the Chaldeans, A PART OF THE LAND OF BABEL. Since what Rachel stole was called images or idols, then Laban's family was influenced by the pagan religion of Babylon. The context shows that Jacob was unaware of the stolen images. Second: Just as today we see people with their RABBITS FOOT, FOUR LEAF CLOVER, or STATUE OF ST. CHRISTOPHER hoping for GOOD LUCK, it should not be to hard to envision these people taking their CHARMS and IMAGES along with them as they move into a strange land. One of those images was "Gad" most likely, and maybe, another was "Meni." You see, 'Gad' as the bringer of good fortune, and 'Meni' as the one who determines the amounts. 'Gad' was the major or father deity and 'Meni' was the lessor or son deity. We do need to remember that Babel or Babylon was the very source and breeding ground for ALL SORTS of myths and false deities, and they had one for everything you could think of. Notice this next verse a few chapters later after Jacob discovers the idols' presence: "And Jacob said to his household... 'Put away the foreign gods that are among you, purify yourselves, and change your garments'" (Gen. 35:2).

Let's go back to our original Scripture:
"Then Leah's maid Zilpah bore Jacob a son. And Leah said, 'Good fortune!' so she named him 'Gad'" (Gen. 30:10-11 NRS).

Webster's states that among other meanings the word "good" is a euphemism for "god." So, what Leah said was, "'god fortune!' so she named him 'Gad.'" When the boy was born Leah, daughter of the idol worshipping Laban, followed her childhood beliefs and named him after the major god "fortune," thus, he was named 'Gad.' Remember that both of the English words "fortune" and "Gad" come from the one Hebrew word "gad" which means "the pagan deity fortune."

So, you might ask, what is wrong with that? To answer that lets go to the book of Isaiah:
"But you are those who forsake YHWH. Who forget My holy mountain, Who prepares a table for 'GAD,' and who furnish a drink offering for 'MENI.'" (Isa. 65:11KJV)

In the footnotes for that verse in the New King James, we find that 'GAD' is the deity fortune and 'MENI' the deity destiny, BOTH PAGAN! Therefore, our CREATOR takes note of those who call on "gad = deity fortune" or "meni = deity destiny."

To see that specifically stated in a version, notice the next verse: "But because the rest of you have forsaken YHWH and His Temple and worship gods of 'Fate' and "'Destiny,' therefore I will 'destine' you to the sword, and your 'fate' shall be a dark one; for when I called, you didn't answer; when I spoke, you wouldn't listen. You deliberately sinned before My very eyes, choosing to do what you know I despise" (Isa. 65:11-12TLB).

"Gad's" Connection With the Present
I also found it very interesting, when a well known TV Evangelist was visiting at the White House, he was reported in a weekly news magazine as having said; "'God' is a 'God' of WEALTH, ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS TAP INTO HIM" In light of what we have just seen in the name 'Gad' otherwise known as 'Fortune' it does seem to FIT!

But let's move on. We have looked at some history about the name of 'God, god, GOD,' or maybe 'GAD.' But now lets see if we can make a CONNECTION in the PRESENT. Notice Webster's New World Dictionary:
"'god (gad, god) gott, Goth, guth,' probably... any of various beings conceived of as supernatural immortal, and having special powers over the lives and affairs of people and the course of nature; deity, esp. a male deity. An image that is worshipped; idol a person or thing deified or excessively honored and admired. (Please note: AFTER ALL THIS then Webster states)... the Creator and Ruler of the universe."
Now the word 'Gad' itself is probably of GOTHIC origin. Webster's states that: GOTHIC: the East Germanic language of the Goths." It has also been said that "god" is an old "TEUTONIC" word, so we have the following from Webster's: "A member of any Teutonic people; esp. a German."

Now, tell me WHY; IF truth has come down to us through the Hebrew Nation and IF the Scripture IS true, then why do we look to the TEUTONIC peoples? The Assyrians people who, it seems, have descended from the CHALDEANS to TELL us what to call the one WHO CREATED ISRAEL?? The GERMAN PEOPLE, who in just this century killed more than 5 million descendants of "Yahhoodah" [Judah]!! THIS DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!
However, notice that our CREATOR predicted that this would happen:
"'You have committed adultery with the Assyrians too (by making them your allies and worshipping their gods); it seems that you can never find enough new gods. After your adultery there, you still weren't satisfied, so you worshipped the gods of that great merchant land of Babylon--and you still weren't satisfied" (Ezek. 16:28 TLB)

We will get back to Ezekiel 16 later for this is a very interesting verse.
In the late eighties and early nineties the Priests of the Worldwide Church of 'God' kept putting out a book called 'God' Is... But for some reason they kept on reprinting it, it seemed that they felt they did not have it quite right, somehow. I WONDER WHY?

Lets look at another reference, Gesenius Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon, page 157, we read: "...Fortune... specially the divinity of fortune, worshipped by the Babylonians and by the Jews exiled among them; elsewhere called 'baal' (...the planet Jupiter, regarded in all the East as the giver of good fortune... 'Gad,' a son of Jacob, taking his name from 'good fortune'...)

To do another. In Young's Analytical Concordance to the Bible under the title "Baal:"
"Master, possessor, The chief deity of the Phoenicians and Canaanites, as 'Ashtoreth' was their chief female deity,..." Now look under "Ba--al Gad:" it says 'lord of fortune!'

PLEASE THINK ABOUT THIS; Do you REMEMBER: "Baal = lord, fortune = Gad, or Baal-Gad = Lord- God"?? Also remember that In the Hebrew and Chaldean language we find that the vowels are represented by points because the written form consists ONLY of consonants. Therefore 'Gad' would only have the consonants 'G-D.' It could just as well be spoken as "Gad, Ged, Gid, GOD, Gud, Gawd," or ANY other vowel sound, since the vowels were only noted by points.

Ezekiel 16 - The Idolatry of Israel Our ETERNAL CREATOR chose Israel to be His nation of Priests (Ex. 19:6) a Holy nation. Immediately after that Israel made an idol of a golden calf and made sacrifices to it. From that point forward Israel continued to go after the 'baals' (Hosea2:17) until finally ETERNAL stated:

"But you have betrayed Me; you have gone off and given yourself to a host of foreign gods; you have been like a faithless wife who leaves her husband" (Jer. 3: 20 TLB).

Chapter 16. - Allegory of the Unfaithful Wife This chapter is a very graphic and vivid portrayal of Israel's Idolatry under the imagery of a Bride, beloved of her husband, who made her a queen, and lavished upon her silks and sealskins and every beautiful thing; who then made herself a prostitute to every man that passed by, shaming even Sodom and Samaria.

With that thought in mind let's notice Ezekiel as quoted from the Compainon Bible and most especially the footnotes for that verse:

"But thou didst trust in thine own beauty, and playedst the harlot* because of thy renown, and pouredst out thy fornications** on every one that passed by; his it was" (Ezek. 16:15 TCB)

*playedst the harlot. All these expressions that follow are to be interpreted of idolatry, and not to sins of the flesh, to which they are likened. **fornications: i. e. idolatrous acts.

Now we will look at the verse mentioned above: "Thou hast played the whore15 also with the Assyrians, because thou wast unsatiable; yea, thou hast played the harlot15 with them, and yet couldest not be satisfied. Thou hast moreover multiplied fornication15 in the land of Canaan unto Chaldea; and yet thou wast not satisfied herewith" (Ezek. In summary please understand that this article is NOT intended to prove what our CREATOR's real name is. But rather to answer the question: "WHO IS 'GOD?'"

v 'God' Is... A Babylonian deity, part of the Mystery of the trinity, traceable back to Ham, Cush, and Nimrod and the GREAT MOTHER AND WIFE IMAGE.
v 'God' Is... A part of the Great Deception that has been fostered off on whoever would accept it.
v 'God' Is... I believe, along with the name of 'Jesus Christ,' and his mother Mary; "The names of the 'baals'" of Hos. 2:17.
v Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob worshipped YHWH. They NEVER worshipped 'God,' but the Babylonians and many other pagan nations worshipped 'God.'

I use to object to the Government stamping our money with the words; "IN 'GOD' WE TRUST," but now understanding "WHO 'God' Is..." IT FITS SO WELL
16:28-29 TCB).

The 15's in the two verses refer back to verse 15 above and the footnotes there (i.e. idolatrous acts). The Living Bible shows us how Israel played the harlot with Assyria:

"'You have committed adultery with the Assyrians too (by making them your allies and worshipping their gods); it seems that you can never find enough new gods. After your adultery there, you still weren't satisfied" (Ezek. 16:28-29 TCB).

The English word "Assyrians" in verse 28 above is from two Hebrew words in Strong's #H1121 "ben" (bane) which means "a son" and #H804 4 "'Ashshuwr" (ash-shoor') and means "Assyria." But, in the translation of the verse the word "ben" or son is omitted and not translated, even the Tanakh leaves "son" out. This raises the question in my mind of WHY? Why is the word son left out? The only reason that I can see is that the specific Assyrian god being referred to is "Meni " the lessor god, known as "the son." What god is known of today as "the son?" You guessed it, 'Jesus.' Thus, those worshipping "the son" are committing spiritual adultery!!

In closing just let me say, NO MATTER how much INFORMATION we receive on a subject, if we don't WANT TO BELIEVE, WE WON'T! Someone told me just last week; "I don't WANT to hear about it, I LIKE my church and what I believe." That IS the way MOST PEOPLE measure Truth, WHAT I LIKE and FEEL COMFORTABLE WITH!
Because of spiritual adultery Israel will go into physical captivity and then be rescued from it, and then, ETERNAL states:

"For I will take from her mouth the names of the 'baals,' and they shall be remembered by their name no more. In that day I will make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field, with the birds of the air, and with the creeping things of the ground. Bow and sword of battle I will shatter from the earth, to make them lie down safely. I will betroth you to Me forever; Yes, I will betroth you to Me In righteousness and justice, In lovingkindness and mercy; I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness, And you shall know YHWH" (Hosea 2:17-20).
[1] Footnotes
1. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, Hebrew & Greek Dictionary.
2. Tanakh, The Holy Scriptures, (Philadelphia, Jerusalem: Jewish Publication Society) 1985.
3. Halley's Bible Handbook Zondervan Publishing, 1965, p328..
4. An interesting sidelight the Hebrew word "'Ashshuwr" comes from the Hebrew word #H838. "'ashur" (aw-shoor') and means "in the sense of going; a step." So I guess the German soldiers have been goose-stepping from time immemorial.
I hope this article was good and clarified several basics bout the holy and sacred names of Yahweh.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

A Jewish Bible Without Elohim’s Name:

I recently purchased David Stern’s “Complete Jewish Bible” through the Messianic Jewish Publishers and I find the reading very interesting except for one aspect – the Name of Elohim was hidden in the English word God and/or the word Adonai. As I see it the “Jewishness of the Bible” of this version of the Bible weakened somewhat as a result.

I accept the explanation given by Stern in the introduction (page xxxiii) as follows:

“The Basic Problem: God’s personal name is never Spoken. When Moshe turned aside in the wilderness of Midyan, to see the bush that burned without being consumed, God revealed himself to him and told him his own personal name. The name in Hebrew consists of four letters, Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh and is therefore called the Tetragramaton (four letters writings). The Bible makes it clear that his name was not to be used casually. The third Commandment prohibits taking His Name in vain and the man that uses it in a curse was put to death at God’s explicit instruction. Already by Yeshua’s time no one ever spoke God’s name except the cohen hagadol (high priest), when he entered the Especially Holy Place in the temple to make atonement for the sins of Isra’el on Yom Kippur, so strictly this rule was followed that when the Masoretes wrote down the vowel point for the Torah, they did not write the actual vowels to be used in pronouncing the Tetragramaton. By then the word Adonai which is a term for God found frequently in the Bible and which means “My Lord” was said instead of the Name whenever the Torah was read. ….”

Indeed this was the basic problem I immediately detected when I opened my new Bible to read its content. I missed the name of our Elohim. Two issues were raised to explain Sterns’ inability to use Elohim’s name as follows:

a) The Bible makes it clear that his name was not to be used casually;
b) The third Commandment prohibits taking His Name in vain.
Those prohibitions are fairly clear; but if we called Elohim by His name, how can this be defined as using Yahweh’s name in vain and how can we be taking His name in vain if we mentioned his name and promote it?
Let me put it this way, right now the world does not Him, that He is Creator of all things. Ask any who Yahweh is and the likely answer is that we do not know Him. Ask who is Creator, and the likely answer, is God is the Creator and he is the Lord. In Fiji it is TURAGA na Kalou (i.e. LORD God). Yahweh is unknown Selah. And shall we say that since the time of Moshe, 4,000 years have passed now, far too many people of the world still do not know who Yahweh is. This is incredible but obviously true. Is this Yahweh’s desire?

Let us check that out, by going into the Holy Scriptures itself for some answer. Should we hide Yahweh’s Name and not use it?

Call in his Name (Psalms 99:6)
6 Moshe and Aharon were among His priests,
And Sh’mu’el was among those who called upon His name;
They called upon Yahweh, and He answered them.

Honor His name (Psalms 66: 2-4)
02 Sing out the honor of His name; Make His praise glorious. 03 Say unto Elohim “How awesome are Your works! Through the greatness of Your power Your enemies shall submit themselves to You. 04 All the earth shall worship You And sing praises to You; They shall sing praises to Your Name.” Selah

Magnify His Name (Psalms 69:30)
30 I will praise the name of Elohim with a song, And will magnify Him with thanksgiving.

Publish His Name (Deuteronomy 32:3)
03 For I proclaim the name of Yahweh: Ascribe greatness to our Elohim.

Remember His Name (Exodus 3:15)
15 Moreover Elohim said to Moshe, “Thus you shall say to the children of Isra’el: ‘The Yahweh Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Avraham, the Elohim of Yitz’chak, and the Elohim of Ya’akov, has sent me to you. This is My Name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations.’

Sing to the Name (Psalms 9:1-2)
01 I will praise You, O Yahweh, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works. 02 I will be glad and rejoice in You; I will sing praise to Your name, ELYON.

Think on the Name (Malachi 3:16)
16 Then those who feared Yahweh spoke to one another, And Yahweh listened and heard them; So a book of remembrance was written before Him For those who fear Yahweh And who meditates on His name.

First can I mention that the texts I used is based in the New King James Bible intertwined with the Complete Jewish Bible and the Words of Yahweh Bible so that I can make my point loud and clear, namely that it is very clear that Yahweh wants the World to know Him, to remember Him, to turn to Him, to think on His Name and to honor, magnify and publish his Name.

Let me repeat my anxiety, that we have now come to the 21st Century and much of the world still do not know who Yahweh the Elohim of Avraham, Yitz’chak, and Ya’akov who created all of us. Since Moshe’s encounter with Elohim, some 4,000 years have lapsed. That I think sucks.

Notice this text on the Oracles of Elohim (Romans 3:1-3) The Word of Yahweh Bible:

“What Advantage then hath the Jew? …. Much in every way; chiefly because that unto them were committed the oracles of Elohim. For what if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief make the faith of Elohim without effect?

Will those responsible continue to hide the oracle of Elohim - eg His Name, from the world?

Keep well and Bye for now.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Yahweh’s Nature

I discovered some Christian Churches, on the internet that use the scared name of Yahweh in their worship services. But when I read through their statement of belief I noticed that they are no different from the old Worldwide Church of God (WCG) in their belief, faith and practices, so I wonder if this is OK! I will continue to explore this aspect of the worship of Yahweh our Elohim.

I had began this study from the burning bush incident where Moses was introduced to Elohim’s preferred Names. Exodus 3:13-15 reads:

13 Then Moses said to Elohim, "Behold, I am going to the sons of Israel, and I shall say to them, `The Elohim of your fathers has sent me to you.' Now they may say to me, `What is His name?' What shall I say to them?" 14 And Elohim said to Moses, "I AM THAT I AM"; and He said, "Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, `I AM has sent me to you.'" 15 And Elohim, furthermore, said to Moses, "Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, `The Yahweh, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac, and the Elohim of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever, and this is My memorial-name to all generations."

So there you have it. Elohim's personal name, as they translate its meaning in English, is "I am that I am." Here are some other ways it has been translated:
a) He who is
b) The self-existent one
c) He who is ever becoming what He is
d) Is-ness is is-ness

Unfortunately, I can say that inspite of 4000 years since his name was exposed to Moses, the world still does not know who Yahweh is and I hope this Blog will, amongst others, fulfill this role in a small way. Some of the natures of Yahweh are really what we need as human beings. Take this one that I recently considered as quite important. Read Deut 32: 3-4 (WOY throughout):

“For I proclaim the name of the Yahweh: Ascribe greatness to our Elohim. He is the Rock, His work is perfect; for all His ways are justice, an Elohim of truth and without injustice; Righteous and upright is He.”

Yahweh is great, He is our rock, He is perfect, all his ways are justice, he is the Elohim of truth and he is without injustice, he is righteous and upright. These are the nature of Yahweh that we need to proclaim widely, so that people will know who to turn to in their times of anxiety.

These are some of the natures of Yahweh that we all need to have in our lives, and especially so, when we need help from Yahweh to help us in our times of needs. Yahweh is the one that could help us because of these Natures that He possesses. There are three points we can think about and these are that we should:

v Think on His Name
v Call on His Name and
v Trust in His name

The first needs are for us all to think of Yahweh and his great name, to meditate on his Name. Malachi 3:16 reads and I quote:

“Then those who feared Yahweh spoke to one another, and Yahweh listened and heard them; So a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear Yahweh. And who meditate on His name.”

This is quite important to us because thinking always leads to action. For instance if we are thinking of his name we will surely consider his nature which I have outlined above. When our needs arise, we would immediately know where to go for help.

The Prophets and His priests called upon Yahweh for help in their times of needs. We can see this for instance in Psalms 99:6 which read:

“Moses and Aaron were among His priests, and Samuel was among those who called upon His name; They called upon the Yahweh, and He answered them.”

There is no doubt that by thinking and calling on the name of Yahweh, that help is forthcoming. The final of course is that we need to place our trust in Yahweh, as laid out in Isaiah 50: 10 which of course read:

“Who among you fears the LORD? Who obeys the voice of His Servant? Who walks in darkness and has no light? Let him trust in the name of the LORD and rely upon his God”.

Yahweh is the one we can all trust, and entrust ourselves to, with all our needs and wants; for Yahweh is trustworthy.

I will end here on this installment. We need to think call on his Name, call Him and trust Yahweh.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Let The World Know Who Yahweh is?

One Bible text that has always interested me is found in Romans 3:1-3 and it reads (WOY):

“What Advantage then hath the Jew? …. Much in every way; chiefly because that unto them were committed the oracles of Elohim. For what if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief make the faith of Elohim without effect?”

This text is interesting to me because it is saying that our understanding of Elohim will come from the Jewish people. Several things became stumbling blocks to this, and the primary one is that we often do not realize that the Holy Scriptures we read and study actually came from the Greeks and not from the Jewish people. There is a need to correct this isn’t there. The other text that is interesting is the one where Yahshua was conversing with a lady in Samaria, and in concluding this interesting conversation Yahshua said something significant when he said (John 4: 22 - WOY) and I quote:

“You worship you know not what; we know what we worship; for salvation is of the Jews”

You see this is important isn’t it and it behooves the Jews to come forward to deliver what they need to deliver to the world because the end of the age is coming fast. Some may say, but the Jews have already delivered – look at the Holy Scriptures. I was of that mindset at one time, but I have now come to realize that perhaps we are wrong after all. Sure we have received the messages of God and Jesus Christ, but that deprives us the knowledge of the Elohim and Yahweh, and the richness of his names isn’t it, which only the Jews can deliver to us.

I friend of mine – who as passed away - use to ask just for fun, once an instruction was delivered, “Who Say?” This reminds of another text which seem to suggest that we need to be watchful. Revelation 2:9 (WOY) reads and I quote:

“I know your works and tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”

So there is a need for us to see that we are not deceived by what we already have and there is a need to get out of that and move forward in a correct way. I have quoted three texts which highlights the importance of the Jewish people in terms of the preservation of the Oracles of Elohim, the fact that salvation is of the Jews and that we have people who claim to be Jews but are not.

The Holy Scriptures say that the creator of all things is called Elohim. But today people call him G-d. Who is right I ask? Is it Elohim or is it G-d, let me say that both cannot be correct. There is a text in Genesis 48: 20, which partly reads as follows:

English Version says: ”May God make you like Ephraim and Menashe” But the transliteration reads as follows:”Ye'simcha Elohim ke-Ephraim ve'chi-Menashe” Why is the term God used when Elohim (or YHWH or Yah or El etc) is more appropriate, even in the English Language? I think if you can use Manashe in both texts, the English and the Hebrew then we can call Elohim as well in both the English and Hebrew versions of the text.

Unfortunately for me I wanted to search for the Name of the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob by reading the English translations of the Holy Scriptures which are based on the original Hebrew text, and I am thoroughly disappointed with what I meet up with. They all transliterate the names of biblical personalities but most translate the names of Elohim. OK what is the big deal one might ask? To me the big deal is that the name God or Lord or LORD does not tell us the richness that is found in the expressed names of Elohim. It leads to confusion most especially. This needs to be changed.

Let me illustrate this point. Read I King 18:21 strictly in the English KJV and you will see this,

“And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.”

The catch here is the term Baal which has been left transliterated in its original form. Translated the word Baal means Lord too. So we have a problem of identification don’t we? If all the Hebrew terms were translated the text word read:

“And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if the Lord (i. e. Baal), then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.”

Well people would be dumbfounded alright but for a completely dfferent reason namely –confusion. Now read it with the names of Elohim transliterated and left intact (I King 18: 21 WOY):

“And Elijah came unto all the people and said, "How long halt ye between two opinions? If Yahweh be Elohim, follow Him; but if Baal, then follow him."

Can that be any more clearer? One knows where one stands.
Someone once said, well the English translations have been used because people do or may not actually know who Yahweh or Elohim really is. I hope they listen to themselves. Indeed, it is very true that people do not Yahweh or Elohim and all his other name including El Shaddai etc, because they have always been taught that G-d (the deity of good fortune) created the universe. But to find eternal life, people need to know Elohim, in his true and only names, that he Himself gave to Moses around the burning bush. Remember. Exodus 3:15 reads:

“Elohim also said to Moses, ‘Say to the Israelites, Yahweh, the Elohim of your fathers — the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac and the Elohim of Jacob — has sent me to you.' This is my name forever, the name by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation”.

Elohim has outlined his name to Moses and qualified it by saying that it was “His name forever” and that “it was the name by which He is to be remembered forever”. I think some people may have forgotten to inform Yahweh that they had in their wisdom decided to rename him God or LORD. What a pity.

My point is simple. Sure the Jewish people may argue every possble way, but the fact remains that they have a role in the introduction of Elohim to the World where it reads, “chiefly because unto them (Jews) were committed the oracles of Elohim.” They need to get on with this important task. They should not leave this task to those "who say that they are Jews, but are not, because they are the Synagogue of Satan". That is a terrible thing to say but I truly mean it. Let the Names of Yahweh be known and praised. The Jews are responsible.

Simply ask this question, “Does the world, after almost 7000 years, know who Yahweh is? The answer is a resounding No, the world does not know who Yahweh is? And who was commissioned to do this announcement? The Jews? It seem so, and they need to step up and inform the world of the True names of Elohim. This is my point.
What if they don't?
Please look up Jeremiah 16: 19-20 (WOY) for this is very interesting indeed. It reads:
"O Yahweh, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit. 20 Shall a man make gods unto himself, and they are no gods? 21 Therefore, behold, I will this once cause them to know, I will cause them to know mine hand and my might; and they shall know that my name is Yahweh"
Well just for emphasis, Yahweh himself shall show His Hands and His Might and his Name that it is Yahweh. Those responsible for this must beware.
Till next time , bye for now.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Names of Elohim: Translation versus Transliteration

This morning I was preparing the texts which I was to post on my other Blog “Daily Bible Reading“ ( and I came across some texts which highlights the practical issue of translating versus transliteration of the name of Elohim. The texts were taken out of Exodus 3:11-15 and Exodus 6:2-3 which you would know discusses the conversation between Moses and Yahweh about how Moses will introduce Him to the Israelites who were in bondage in Egypt. I wonder if we can discuss these, but before we do let us see the translation that took place.

The Fijian translations relative to the English and Hebrew words (and English transliteration) of Elohim are as follows:
a) Elohim (Hebrew - אלהים) – English: God – Fijian: Kalou
b) YHWH i.e. Yahweh, Yahveh etc (Hebrew יהוה ) – English: Jehovah or LORD –Fijian: Jiova or TURAGA
c) Adonai (Hebrew - אֲדֹנָי ) – English: Lord – Fijian: Turaga
d) Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh (Hebrew - אהיה אשר אהיה) – English: I am that I am – Fijian: Sa Bula Koi Au Vakai Au
e) Ehyeh (Hebrew - אֶהְיֶה) – English: I am - Fijian: Sa Bula Koi Au
f) El Shaddai ( Hebrew: שַׁדַּי אל) - English: God Almighty – Fijian: Kalou Kaukaua Duadua Ga

Let us think about these and take the translated names of Elohim both in English and in Fijian and consider it seriously against the Hebrew names as I have shown above?

Before that consider this bible text which explains what transpired around the burning bush ; Exodus 3:15

“Elohim also said to Moses, ‘Say to the Israelites, Yahweh, the Elohim of your fathers — the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac and the Elohim of Jacob — has sent me to you.' This is my name forever, the name by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation”.

Elohim has outlined his name to Moses and qualified it by saying that it was “His name forever” and also said that “it was the name by which He is to be remembered forever”.

When I consider the crux of the message in the text, it becomes very clear that translating Elohim’s name was not a very good idea after all. Of course there are understandable reasons for translating the names, so that people with different languages might understand the concept of an Elohim. Unfortunately by doing so, we inadvertently equate Yahweh Elohim with the pagan deities of our ancestors. In any case it overlooks the fact that the human mind is such that one can quickly adjust ones thinking to accept new things – and the human mind can distinguish differences between what they learn. It would have been better for people to learn the Names of Elohim directly; instead of using substitutes which we concoct from what we think are the meanings of the original Hebrew names? I think so. For the whole of my life till recently I have known Elohim as TURAGA na Kalou (or LORD God), and I pray to him using those words. However through my work pertaining to a new Fijian Translation of the Bible, I am preoccupied with presently, I have slowly become aware of the true sacred names of Elohim and now it is becoming easier for me to rightly distinguish Yahweh, from the host of other deities the human race worship.

The other point appears in Exodus 6:3 which read “I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob as God Almighty, but by my name the LORD, I did not make myself known to them”.

This is strictly speaking not a true reflection of what Yahweh said because it deprives one to see the meaning behind the names he used. The text using the transliterated names of Yahweh is as follows:

“I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob as El Shaddai, but by my name Yahweh, I have not made myself known to them”.
That is El Shaddai against God Almighty and Yahweh against LORD. Let us revisit some of the points we have covered to consider the name El Shaddai as a name of Elohim.

El (Hebrew: אל) is used in both the singular and plural, both for other elohims and for the Elohim of Israel. As a name of Elohim, however, it is used chiefly in poetry and prophetic discourse, rarely in prose, and then usually with some epithet attached, as "a jealous Elohim." Other examples of its use with some attribute or epithet are: El
("Most High Elohim"), El Shaddai ("Elohim Almighty"), El `Olam ("Everlasting Elohim"), El Hai ("Living Elohim"), El Ro'i ("Elohim of Seeing"), El Elohe Israel ("Elohim, the Elohim of Israel"), El Gibbor ("Elohim of Strength"). In addition, names such as Gabriel ("Strength of Elohim"), Michael ("He Who is Like Elohim"), Raphael ("Elohim's medicine") and Daniel ("Elohim is My Judge") use Elohim's name in a similar fashion.

The name Shaddai (Hebrew: שַׁדַּי), which occurs both independently and in combination with El, is used as a name of Elohim chiefly in the
Book of Job. According to Exodus 6:2, 3, this is the name by which Elohim was known to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. In the Septuagint and other early translation it was translated with words meaning 'Almighty'.

The root word "shadad" (שדד) means "to overpower" or "to destroy". This would give Shaddai the meaning of "destroyer" as one of the aspects of Elohim.

An alternative view proposed by Albright is that the name is connected to shadayim which means 'breasts' in Hebrew. It may thus be connected to the notion of Elohim’s fertility and blessings of the human race. In several instances it is connected with fruitfulness: “May Elohim Almighty [El Shaddai] bless you and make you fruitful and increase your numbers . . .” (Gen. 28:3). “I am Elohim Almighty [El Shaddai]: be fruitful and increase in number” (Gen. 35:11). “By the Almighty [El Shaddai] who will bless you with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lies beneath, blessings of the breasts [shadayim] and of the womb [racham] ” (Gen. 49:25).

It is also given a
Midrashic interpretation as an acronym standing for 'Guardian of the Doors of Israel' (Hebrew: שׁוֹמֶר דְלָתוֹת יִשְׂרָאֶל), which is commonly found as carvings or writings upon the Mezuzah, a vessel which houses a scroll of parchment with Biblical text written on it, that is situated upon all the doorframes in a home or establishment.

Does “God Almighty” which is used to translate “El Shaddai” even give us a real picture of the concept of Elohim? I do not think so. I think we need to use the translitered name of Elohim and prevent any further confusion.

Any debate over the names of Elohim can be resolved if we merely revert to the use of Elohim in Hebrew or its English transliteration.

Let me caution though that this is not about the names alone. This is about the worship of Yahweh Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Christianity is a religion which has set its credos and its forms of worship and its holidays and customs and traditions. I have no intention of upsetting the “apple cart” as the saying goes. It reminds me of the story of the prophet Elijah when he confronted the prophets of Baal.

The story is in I King 18 and I begin in verse 20 through to verse 39:

"So Ahab sent unto all the children of Israel, and gathered the prophets together unto Mount Carmel. 21 And Elijah came unto all the people and said, "How long halt you between two opinions? If Yahweh be Elohim, follow Him; but if Baal, then follow him." And the people answered him not a word. 22 Then said Elijah unto the people, "I, even I only, remain a prophet of the Yahweh, but Baal's prophets are four hundred and fifty men. 23 Let them therefore give us two bullocks. And let them choose one bullock for themselves and cut it in pieces, and lay it on wood and put no fire under it; and I will dress the other bullock, and lay it on wood, and put no fire under it. 24 And call ye on the name of your elohims, and I will call on the name of Yahweh; and the Elohim that answered by fire, let Him be Elohim." And all the people answered and said, "It is well spoken." 25 And Elijah said unto the prophets of Baal, "Choose you one bullock for yourselves and dress it first, for ye are many; and call on the name of your elohim, but put no fire under it." 26 And they took the bullock which was given them, and they dressed it, and called on the name of Baal from morning even until noon, saying, "O Baal, hear us!" But there was no voice, nor any that answered. And they leaped upon the altar which was made. 27 And it came to pass at noon that Elijah mocked them and said, "Cry aloud, for he is an elohim! Either he is talking, or he is pursuing, or he is on a journey, or perhaps he sleepeth and must be awakened." 28 And they cried aloud, and cut themselves according to their manner with knives and lancets, till the blood gushed out upon them. 29 And it came to pass, when midday was past, and they prophesied until the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that there was neither voice, nor any to answer, nor any that regarded. 30 And Elijah said unto all the people, "Come near unto me." And all the people came near unto him. And he repaired the altar of Yahweh that was broken down. 31 And Elijah took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, unto whom the word of Yahweh came, saying, "Israel shall be thy name." 32 And with the stones he built an altar in the name of Yahweh, and he made a trench about the altar as great as would contain two measures of seed. 33 And he put the wood in order, and cut the bullock in pieces, and laid him on the wood and said, "Fill four barrels with water, and pour it on the burnt sacrifice and on the wood." 34 And he said, "Do it the second time." And they did it the second time. And he said, "Do it the third time." And they did it the third time. 35 And the water ran round about the altar; and he filled the trench also with water. 36 And it came to pass at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that Elijah the prophet came near and said, "Yahweh Elohim of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, let it be known this day that Thou art Elohim in Israel, and that I am Thy servant, and that I have done all these things at Thy word. 37 Hear me, O Yahweh! Hear me, that this people may know that Thou art Yahweh Elohim, and that Thou hast turned their heart back again." 38 Then the fire of Yahweh fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood and the stones and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench. 39 And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces and they said, "Yahweh, He is Elohim! Yahweh, He is Elohim!" (Please note that I have substituted the words LORD God with Yahweh Elohim as it should.)

This is an interesting episode in the promotion of Yahweh the one true Elohim creator of the universe. Elijah posed a question to us today and let me repeat it,

“And Elijah came unto all the people and said, "How long halt ye between two opinions? If Yahweh be Elohim, follow Him; but if Baal, then follow him." (I King 18: 21)

It is interesting that the name Baal was transliterated but the words Yahweh Elohim was translated to LORD God. It is, I think an unforgivable act; and now needs to be corrected. It is time that we shout out "Yahweh, He is Elohim! Yahweh, He is Elohim!"

Till my next installment please seriously consider Yahweh’s Name the one and only Elohim. Translating Yahweh’s name was not fair really to us all, if we think about this issue seriously.