Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Give Yahweh the Glory Due His Name

(I have here used the work of Robert Brooks (my appreciation) inserting changes that I personally believe to make my point)

The English word “God” rightly should apply only to the Christian religion period. The name as a generic term applies to all the deities that are worshipped in the world, by all religions except the Hebrew deity.

The deity of the Holy Scriptures, is correctly called YHWH or Yahweh (“w” is pronounced slightly with a v sound, hence Yahveh). The ancient Hebrews were more specific. The English removed that specificity when it translated Elohim as God and YHWH as Lord (i.e. Baal).

Yahweh, our Elohim, has many names, amounting to many revelations of His Being. For instance:

I. The “EL” Revelations.

A) El – an ancient name for Yah

B) El Shaddai, rendered “ Almighty Elohim”
C) El Elyon, meaning “Exalted One,” “Most High”
D) El Olam: “Elohim the Everlasting One”
E) El Roi – “Elohim who sees me”
F) El Berith – “Elohim of the Covenant”
G) El Elohe – Israel – “El of Israel”
H) Elohim – the plural form of El, often in singular interpretation
I) El – often used in names as in Israel, Bethel, Ishmael, Samuel, Elijah, Elisha, Emmanuel, etc.

II. The Revelational Name, Adon; Translated “Lord,” is “master” if correctly translated

III. Yahweh is used 6,700 times as the primary name of the Elohim of Israel.

A) It means eternal. It is Israel’s major name for their Elohim. In English translations it is wrongly rendered “Lord” which is really Baal a pagan deity.
B) The Old Testament scholar, Charles A Briggs, asserts that the word “Jehovah” is a “linguistic monstrosity.” (Messianic Prophesy X1)
C) Geneses 4:26 states that after the birth of Seth “then men began to call on the name of Yahweh.” This probably means it was Yahweh, the True Elohim, they were worshipping. They may not, at this time. know His name. (Ex. 3:13)

IV. Yahweh tells Moses to inform Pharaoh that unless he will let His people go, He will send plagues upon Egypt. (Ex 9:13 –14) Thus He did!

V. Pharaoh consents to Israel’s exodus, but Pharaoh pursues them, and the Israelites are afraid when they reach the Red Sea. But Moses commands: “Stand still and see the salvation of Yahweh. . .” (Ex. 14:13). He then lifted his staff and “Yahweh caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind.” (Ex. 14:21) Thus Israel passed through the sea safely.

VI. It was Yahweh Elohim who provided for Israel as they murmured in the wilderness march.

A) “Then said Yahweh to Moses, Look, I will rain bread from heaven.” (Ex. 16:4)
B) Israel complained of thirst, and “Yahweh said. . . see I will stand before you. . . and you shall smite the rock” in Horeb, “and there shall come water out of it.” (Ex. 17: 5 – 6)
C) Upon their complaint of no meat, Yahweh sent them quails (Ex. 16: 12 – 13)
D) Amalek fought with Israel, but Israel defeated them through the power of Yahweh, who declared, “I will utterly blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.” (Ex. 17: 8 -14)

VII. Yahweh gives the Ten Commandments. (Ex. 20: 1 – 3) “And Elohim spoke all these words, saying, I am Yahweh your Elohim. You shall have no other Elohim before me. . . “In Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy Yahweh is the Great Law-Giver.

VIII. After the death of Moses, Joshua is given the command to conquer corrupt, reprobate, past-repentance Canaan. Every place the sole of Joshua’s foot touches is given (by Yahweh) into his conquest. (Joshua 1: 1 – 3) Yahweh is unequivocally Israel’s Elohim to punish her in corrupting themselves in wicked compromise with the people and elohims of Canaan – resulting in Assyrian and Babylonian captivity.

IX. But Yahweh has mercy on Israel with free, undeserved grace. They are restored in their land.

X. The Psalms, Proverbs and prophets laud Yahweh in a concerted call to consecration.

A) The Psalms are illimitable in their laud of the Lord Yahweh.

1) Ps. 1 “Yahweh knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked shall perish.
2) Ps. 5 “Give ear to my words, O Yahweh, consider my meditation.”
3) Ps. 6 “O Yahweh, do not rebuke me in anger. . . Have mercy on me, O Yahweh; for I am withered away.” Yahweh was praised in the Psalms and cried to for help and repentance!
4) “O Yahweh, our Elohim, how excellent is your name in all the earth. . .” (Ps. 8:1)
5) Endless are the words of praise, and endless are the cries for help to Yahweh in the Psalms!
6) “Praise Yahweh. Praise Yahweh, O my soul. While I live I will praise Yahweh.” (Ps. 146)
7) The last Psalm, 150, begins “Praise you Yahweh” and ends “Let everything that hath breath praise Yahweh. Praise you Yahweh.”

B) Proverbs 1: 7 begins “The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of knowledge.”
C) The Prophets abound with a desire for positive relation with Yahweh. Only three will be shown:

1) Isaiah 6:3 – In Isaiah’s temple vision he sees and hears the seraphim’s cry to one another – “Holy, Holy, Holy is Yahweh of Host.”
2) Amos 9: 5 – 6 – “It is he that builds his chambers in the heavens, and hath founded his vault upon the earth.”
3) Malachi 4: 1 – 2 - “Says Yahweh of Hosts. . . to you that fear my name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings.”

Elohim’s Holy name, Yahweh appears 6,700 times in the Old Testament. We miss this through the English translations, because the Bible call him “Lord” which really is English for Baal.

“Give to Yahweh the glory due unto His name.” (Ps. 29: 2)

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