Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Name Of The Creator, Our Heavenly Father.

If someone has to ask me why I keep calling the Creator of the Universe as Yahweh; I will certainly look surprised, and answer “Well because that is his Name!” There is no longer any doubt that the Creator’s name is Yahweh, period.

I think the question that needed to be asked runs something like this, “Why is it that the majority of the English Bibles do not call the creator Yahweh, and instead call him LORD God or L_RD G_d where the Jews are concerned.

Well I present the answer to that question as prepared by EliYah (with appreciation) in this article called Commentary on the Bible Preface which must be self-explanatory. I have done small adjustments to satisfy my own perceptions.

However before I do, I’ll add a thought for what it is worth.

Different religions worship different deities which they call God. In fact there are thousands of gods that are worshiped by different people in the world. And gods they worship go by different names and they also appear in different forms and shapes. 

Because of this I have had a change of heart about the use of Yahweh’s name. 

For instance, I have always advocated that Christians are using the wrong name; saying that they should call the Christian God, Yahweh, and never the LORD God and Jehovah. I thought this was smart.

I even had the audacity to say that the Jews should change the name of their God to Yahweh from their use of L-RD G-d, Ha Shem, Adoni etc.

Now I realise that I was wrong all along.

The name of the God that people worship must commensurate with the way they worship him or her. The Catholics or Protestants or Jews worship the deity called LORD God, and that is for sure appropriate because the deity they worship, want to be worshiped in the manner they worship him and on the day on which he demands to be worshipped.

We cannot therefore all of a sudden demand that they call the deity they worship, Yahweh, because Yahweh would not like to be worshiped the way the Catholics or Protestants or Jews worship their respective gods.  

It is certain that Yahweh would actually demand a lot of changes (in fact a complete overhaul) of the way we relate to him if we want to worship him. In fact Yahweh is one and infinite and he is the creator of the Universe and he is our Father.

Christians worship a deity who is completely different don’t they? They worship a composite god comprising three different beings, namely the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. One cannot call such a god Yahweh can one? It is just not appropriate.

So I have stopped demanding that Christians or Jews should call the deity they worship Yahweh. Yahweh and the Christian or Jewish gods are distinctively different.

In terms of the Jews, it is not a mystery that they call the deity they worship L_rd G_d, because they did not really know Yahweh anyway. Yahweh was painfully unhappy with them and ordered them to be taken captive at the hands of the Babylonians. When they later repatriated to their home lands, their worship of Yahweh was already adulterated by the Babylonians ways of worshiping their own deity, in many areas. Typically the Sabbath was worshiped from evening to evening (a Babylonian tradition) instead of dawn to dusk or sunrise to sunset according to the Scriptures. (Compare how Yom Kippur is to be kept vis-à-vis the rest of the Feast Days are observed.) A day is not 24 hours long, only 12 hours on average followed by the night.

Anyway Yahweh is the Creator’s name, who is our Heavenly Father. We should not in our petty minds take it upon ourselves that people who are alien to Yahweh should call their God Yahweh.

That is how I view the use of the names of Yahweh now.

Anyway let’s review why the English Bible use Lord God in lieu of Yahweh. The answer presented here by EliYah is interesting. But if anyone reading this is interested in learning more, they need to know that this knowledge is available only from Yahweh. He challenges us to seek him with all our hearts, and if we do he assures us that we will find him. And when we do, we will receive wisdom and understanding as defined in Job 28:28 which reads, “And to man he said, Look, the reverence of Yahweh, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding. 

Let me leave you to read and study the following article which explains why the name of Yahweh has been substituted in most popular English Bibles.

Commentary on Bible Prefaces

Before we begin it must be understood that our English bibles are not the original language in which scriptures were written. I sometimes talk to people who don't understand this very basic principle, but it is totally true. The King James Version was the first major translation into English and was created approximately 1600 years. 

Most all translations in various languages have chosen to replace the name "Yahweh" with another title or name of their choice, usually "the LORD" or "GOD" in all capital letters. The following is a commentary on the various prefaces and introductions which explain their reasoning for removing the Heavenly Father's name from English bibles. Let's start with the ever popular NIV...

10.1 New International Version - Preface
"In regard to the divine name YHWH, commonly referred to as the Tetragrammaton, the translators adopted the device used in most English versions...

This statement runs true in the majority of modern English translations. The primary reasoning for replacing the name of Yahweh with something else is 'tradition'. In other words, "As long as everyone else does it, it must be okay". 

..of rendering that name as "LORD" in capital letters to distinguish it from adonai, another Hebrew word rendered "Lord" for which small letters are used.

We can see already that replacing the name "Yahweh" with "The LORD" presents a major problem. What do they do when there is a legitimate use of the title "Lord/Master" in the original text? It might be confusing to the reader as to whether it is speaking of a human lord/master or Yahweh. 

So what to do? Their solution is to make the "Adonai" source in small letters and where the name of Yahweh exists, they'll put capital letters! In other words, if it reads "Adonai (lord/master)" In the original they will translate it as "lord" or "Lord". But if it says "Yahweh" in the original, they will render it as "LORD" in all capital letters. I doubt that half the people who read the scriptures even realizes they are doing this.

Wherever the two names stand together in the Old Testament as a compound name for God, they are rendered "Sovereign LORD.""

Now we see that a more complicated problem arises. There are instances in scripture that the Hebrew reads "Adonai Yahweh" or "Lord/Master Yahweh". If they were to put "Lord" where Yahweh exists in the original, they would have to translate the passage as "Lord the LORD"! So they translated it as "Sovereign LORD" to avoid confusion. Amazing what people will do to serve tradition and reject what Yahweh has placed in scripture!

10.2 Today's English Version - Preface
Following an ancient tradition,

Again, tradition is the reason. 

begun by the first translation of the Hebrew Scriptures (the Septuagint) and followed by the vast majority of English translations, the distinctive Hebrew name for God (usually transliterated Jehovah or Yahweh), is in this translation represented by "LORD."

When Adonai, normally translated "Lord," occurs preposed to Yahweh, the combination is rendered by the phrase "Sovereign LORD."

So the "Today's English Version" uses the same renderings as the NIV. All on the basis of following the others. 

10.3 Revised English Bible - Introduction to the Old Testament
The divine name (YHWH in Hebrew characters) was probably pronounced 'Yahweh',

One excuse some use for not keeping Yahweh's name in the text is that they aren't sure His name is really pronounced "Yahweh". But if a translator ever admitted that His name was definitely pronounced 'Yahweh' I'm sure they would have to answer for why they don't translate it as such. Not much motivation for seeking the truth? Maybe they really don't want to know that His name really is pronounced "Yahweh"?

but the name was regarded as ineffable, too sacred to be pronounced.

Yes, this was the doctrine that got this whole idea started. But Yahweh says:

Jeremiah 10:25a  Pour out thy fury upon the heathen that know thee not, and upon the families that call not on thy name..


Joel 2:32a  And it shall come to pass, [that] whosoever shall call on the name of the YAHWEH shall be delivered..

How can anyone call on His name if it is hidden away by superstitious doctrines?

The Massoretes, therefore, wrote in the vowel signs of the alternative words adonai ('Lord') or Mighty One ('God') to warn readers to use one of these in its place.

The Massoretes were those who copied and preserved the Hebrew scriptures from scroll to scroll down through the ages. They added 'vowel signs/pointings' to the Hebrew text (which was primarily all consonants) so the language would be preserved. But when they came to the name of Yahweh, they inserted alternative vowel pointings so that the reader would not speak the name of Yahweh but say "adonai" (lord) instead. So we can see that through the ages, there has been a conspiracy to hide the name of Yahweh Almighty despite what Yahweh says in His word about how we should praise, exalt, bless, love, teach, preach, anoint, assemble, believe, give thanks, honor and call on His name.

Where the divine name occurs in the Hebrew text, this has been signalled in The Revised English Bible by using capital letters for 'LORD' or 'GOD', a widely accepted practice.

Since it is 'widely accepted', it must be truth and acceptable to do?

10.4 American Standard Version - Preface
"I. The change first proposed in the Appendix --- that which substitutes "Jehovah" for "LORD" and "GOD" (printed in small capitals) --- is one which will be unwelcome by many, because of the frequency and familiarity of the terms displaced. But the American Revisers, after a careful consideration, were brought to the unanimous conviction that a Jewish superstition, which regarded the Divine Name as too sacred to be uttered, ought no longer to dominate in the English or any other version of the Old Testament, as it fortunately does not in the numerous versions made by modern missionaries.

Now with some reservation I would almost have to admire those who translated the American Standard 1901 version. They at least tried to restore some truth (even though they knew it would be unwelcome) and reject the ridiculous tradition of hiding and substituting the name of Yahweh from the common reader. But then as we read on... 
This Memorial Name, explained in Ex. iii. 14,15 and emphasized as such over and over in the original text of the Old Testament, designates God as the Personal God, as the covenant God, the God of Revelation, the Deliverer, the Friend of his people; --- not merely the abstractly "Eternal One" of many French translations, but the ever living Helper of those who are in trouble. This personal name, with its wealth of sacred associations, is now restored to the place in the sacred text to which it has an unquestionable claim."

Sounds great so far! They can see that the scriptures do place importance on His name...over and over and over... But if you read the translation you will see that they insert the false "Jehovah" rendering that was used a total of 4 times in the King James Version! But most every scholar knows that "Jehovah" is a falsification of Yahweh's name! Click here for more information on this!

1.5      Revised Standard Version - Preface
Now here is the preface that really bothers me the most.

"A major departure from the practice of the American Standard Version is the rendering of the Divine Name, the "Tetragrammaton."

The Revised Standard Version translators have chosen not only to depart from the practice of the ASV translators but to berate them as well. It is in one way justified in that the ASV chose the name "Jehovah" instead of "Yahweh".

The American Standard Version used the term "Jehovah"; the King James Version had employed this in four places, but everywhere else, except in three cases where it was employed as part of a proper name, used the English word LORD (or in certain cases GOD) printed in capitals. The present revision returns to the procedure of the King James Version, which follows the precedent of the ancient Greek and Latin translators and the long established practice in the reading of the Hebrew scriptures in the synagogue.

So here we go with this 'long standing tradition' routine again.

Again, they wouldn't dare admit that they are totally certain. However it is totally certain that His name is not pronounced "The Lord".

(While it is almost if not quite certain that the Name was originally pronounced "Yahweh",)..this pronunciation was not indicated when the Masoretes added vowel signs to the consonantal Hebrew text.

Of course not, they favored tradition over commandments!

To the four consonants YHWH of the Name, which had come to be regarded as too sacred to be pronounced, they attached vowel signs indicating that in its place should be read the Hebrew word Adonai meaning "Lord" (or Mighty One meaning "God"). The ancient Greek translators substituted the word Kyrios (Lord) for the Name. The Vulgate likewise used the Latin word Dominus. The form "Jehovah" is of late medieval origin; it is a combination of the consonants of the Divine Name and the vowels attached to it by the Masoretes but belonging to an entirely different word. The sound of Y is represented by J and the sound of W by V, as in Latin.

They even share how this idea of substituting His name got started. It amazes me that some will follow the Jewish tradition that breaks the commandment of Yahweh but they'll ignore the Jew's examples of where they actually do keep the Torah/Law of Yahweh!

For two reasons the Committee has returned to the more familiar usage of the King James Version: (1) the word "Jehovah" does not accurately present any form of the Name ever used in Hebrew; and

Ahh! Notice how they conveniently forget to mention why they reject the name "Yahweh" in their 'reasons'!
(2) the use of any proper name for the one and only God, as though there were other gods from whom He had to be distinguished, was discontinued in Judaism before the Christian era and is entirely inappropriate for the universal faith of the Christian Church."

Who are they to decide what is appropriate for one's faith?? Their job is to translate, not decide what we are to believe! This statement is a sad commentary of how far some have gone from the scriptures. Not only do they say why they have chosen to replace Yahweh's name with a title of their choosing but they also state that 'use of any proper entirely inappropriate!' Amazing! Who invented the idea of having a name of our Creator? Is it not Yahweh Himself?? Is Yahweh also 'entirely inappropriate' for placing His name there in scripture over 6000 times?? Are they saying indeed that the one whom they claim to worship is 'entirely inappropriate' for placing His name there? Oh my! They say it is 'entirely inappropriate for the universal faith of the Christian Church.' Why have a different substitution for the name "Yahweh" in each language? Would it not be more 'universal' to use ONE NAME? Yahweh has said:

Malachi 1:11a (NKJV) For from the rising of the sun, even to its going down, My name shall be great among the Gentiles.

Why have they falsified our Creator's name and condemned Yahweh for putting it there originally? It is just sad.

10.6 New King James Version - Word study on Exodus 3:15 (New Open Bible)

Now I do like this word study. Even though the NKJV translators followed the traditions of the elders and forsook the idea of keeping Yahweh's name in the text, whoever wrote this word study is very frank about what actually is taking place.

Exodus 3 records one of the greatest revelations in the Old Testament: the personal name of God. (The words translated God in our Bible [El, Mighty One, Eloah] are not names, but the standard vocabulary for the Deity and even for false gods.

God told Moses His plan to use him in delivering the Israelites from Egyptian bondage, and Moses had asked whom He should tell the people had sent him. God answered Moses: "I AM WHO I AM." He told Moses to tell them the "I AM" had sent him, "the LORD God." "I AM" and "LORD" are both probably derived from the Hebrew verb to be (hayah) because God is the ever-present One, "the Eternal" (Moffatt translation).

Many people are puzzled that in this and many other (over six thousand!) passages some Bibles read LORD in all capitals (e.g., KJV, NKJV, NIV), some read "Jehovah" (ASV, DARBY), and some read "Yahweh" (Yerusalayim Bible). Why such a radical difference? Do the manuscripts vary that much? No, not at all.

Because the name of God is so important---Jews devoutly refer to Him as "the Name" (ha Shem)---it is well worth exploring this revelation in sOne detail. It is merely a question of a Jewish tradition and how various Christian Scholars handle that tradition.

In the Ten Commandments, God forbids taking His name "in vain". That is, we should not bear false witness in oaths and probably should avoid using profanity, as well. In their great fear of violating this command, devout Hebrews went beyond the law, and when they read the Hebrew Scriptures aloud they would read the word Lord (Adonai) whenever they saw the four letters (YHWH, or traditionally JHVH in Latin pronunciation) that spelled out God's revealed covenant name. This was the sacred name by which He had committed Himself to Israel as a nation.
The most ancient copies of the Hebrew text were written in consonants only.

Actually there are some any good book on Hebrew grammar will tell you.

As the language became less and less used, scholars (call Masoretes) added little dots and dashes called "vowel points" to indicate how the text was to be pronounced. Oddly enough, they put the vowels that go with the word Adonai together with the sacred four letter name (called "tetragrammaton") to guide the readers to say Adonai aloud in synagogue services.

11 The Name Jehovah
This is the origin of the name "Jehovah." It is actually a hybrid name, combining the vowels of Adonai with the consonants of YHWH into JeHoVaH or YeHoWaH (the "a" of Adonai is changed for reasons of Hebrew pronunciation). The people who produced this name were medieval Christian Hebrew Scholars; the Jews never acknowledged such a name. The defense of this Christian hybrid is the same as the defense of the Jewish avoidance of pronouncing the name---tradition!

No surprise there. (I didn't add the "!")
There are many lovely hymns and paraphrases of the Psalms that use this name, so it would be a loss to eliminate it from our Christian vocabulary.

Choose 'what seems right to a man' over the truth? (See the study on the name "Jehovah")
The poetical form of Jehovah is Jah

12 The Name Yahweh 
It is very likely that the name was pronounced very much like "Yahweh." Comparisons with transliterations of the name into other alphabets from very ancient times confirm this. The best argument for the spelling is that it is probably the historically accurate.

Thank you.

However, the RSV's 1952 introduction explained its reason for rejecting "Yahweh" in the translation. It said that it lacks devotional qualities for English-speaking Christians. It is true that many names beginning with "Y" seem odd to our culture (all the names in English --- including Jesus---were pronounced with a Y sound, in the original, as in "hallelu-Yah").

Just totally amazing...

Most recent major English Bibles, dissatisfied with both Jehovah and Yahweh, have retained the KJV's LORD (the 1901 text read Jehovah.)

Oh but Yahweh is certainly dissatisfied with THEM. They have failed to take in account something very important to HIM.

The following is a summary of the excuses that they have used for their refusing to insert the true name Yahweh.

  •  It's used in most English versions
  • We're following an ancient tradition
  • The word "Jehovah" does not accurately present any form of the Name ever used in Hebrew (What about "Yahweh"??)
  • Use of any proper entirely inappropriate
  • It lacks devotional qualities

Amongst all these reasons, is there not something missing here?

YES, it is something that they have gone over painstakingly word for word! Something called THE WORD OF YAHWEH. Not once did they quote a scripture to back up their excuses!

We have heard the excuses, now let's see what Yahweh's word has to say about His name:

1Kings 18:24 (KJV) And call ye on the name of your Mighty One, and I will call on the name of Yahweh: and the Mighty One that answereth by fire, let him be Mighty One. And all the people answered and said, It is well spoken.

Now I would like to touch on something ironic here. If you haven't read this story of Mt. Carmel, go to your scriptures and read it now or click here to read it. This is the prophet Yilyah (Elijah) speaking these words. He said "call ye on the name of your elohim, and I will call on the name of Yahweh". What was the name of their elohim? It is BAAL. What is amazing here is that Baal means "Lord" in Hebrew! Here is Brown's Driver/Briggs Lexicon on this Hebrew name of "Baal".

01168 Ba`al {bah'-al}
the same as 01167; TWOT - 262a
AV - Baal 62, Baalim 18; 80
Baal = "lord" 
n pr m 
1) supreme male divinity of the Phoenicians or Canaanites 
2) a Reubenite 
3) the son of Jehiel and grandfather of Saul 
n pr loc 
4) a town of Simeon, probably identical to Baalath-beer

There is your proof. What is sad is that the translators RETAINED the name of the idol Baal but REJECTED the name of the true Mighty One of the Scriptures! Continuing with our scriptures...Yahweh said:

Isaiah 42:8 I am YAHWEH, that is My name; And My glory I will not give to another, Nor My praise to carved images.
Malachi 2:2  If you will not hear, And if you will not take it to heart, To give glory to My name," Says YAHWEH of hosts, "I will send a curse upon you, And I will curse your blessings. Yes, I have cursed them already, Because you do not take it to heart.
Psalm 105:1 Oh, give thanks to YAHWEH! Call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples!
Psalms 116:17- I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of YAHWEH.
Isaiah 12:4  And in that day you will say: "Praise YAHWEH, call upon His name; Declare His deeds among the peoples, Make mention that His name is exalted.
Zechariahariah 13:9- And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It [is] my people: and they shall say, Yahweh is my Mighty One.

This is only a small sampling of the hundreds of scriptures that tell us of the importance of His name. I invite you to consider these others by clicking here.
In conclusion it is very evident that Yahweh's name is important to Him but it apparently was not important to those who have translated His word into the English language. Therefore we must make every effort when we see His name substituted in our scriptures to restore them back as we read them. We cannot change what has already been done but we can zealously return to the faith which was once delivered to the saints.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Nature of Yahweh Elohim

Back in 2000 I was a member of one of the Churches of God.
At the time, all I knew about the Creator, is that he was named LORD God. But if you looked up some of what I have posted on this site, you will actually see that I have changed completely, I have turned 360 degress as far as my knowledge of the Creator is concerned. I am now a believer and follower of Yahweh Mighty One. In our Bible Study last Sabbath we studied the nature of Yahweh based on the article I have reproduced below by Tracey Rich in his Judaism 101 series, which we agree with substantially, except that the article referred to the Creator as G-d.
The article itself referred to Moshe asking the one who introduced himself by saying, I am the Mighty One of your fathers, the Mighty One of Avraham, the Mighty One of Yitz'chak, and the Mighty One of Ya'akov, for an ID and he said “Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh". Who is Ehyer Asher Ehyer? He is definitely not God; He is the Elohim that spoke to the patriarchs, Avraham, Yitz’chak and Ya’akov. If the three patriarch were to be resurrected this day and see people asserting that God spoke to them, they will deny it 100%. Ya'akov especially will react strongly because his favorite wife Rachel, died, because she was carrying the little statuettes of Gad (i.e. Gawd), the deities of good luck, thus was inadvertently cursed by her husband
When the English used the word God, to translate Yahweh Elohim, it must be remembered that the English people were already worshipping a deity called the LORD God, and therefore inappropriate to use to refer to Elohim who is called Yahweh.
This was not evident to me at first, in fact I had rejected even its suggestion. It was actually due to the fact that I was engrossed with a church that is named after God. One year, at my old school, I was responsible for the upkeep of the school fish pond, which has nothing but tilapia. So my knowledge was limited to tilapia fish because it was a tilapia pool. Similarly, my knowledge was limited to GOD as a member of the Church of God.
In 2000 I decided to pull out, and this time I kept myself free of any church affiliation. Guess what, my mind was now widened to see all the religions of the world, from after the closure of the Garden of Eden to this day. That is when I began to see who God truly was, and how he has fitted into the religions of this world, and most of all, how the world has attributed to him all the things that should rightly be attributed to Yahweh Elohim.
Ask anyone in the world, who created the world and the universe and there is a very large chance that he or she will say, “God” and would thus be absolutely wrong. And if you asked further who Yahweh is, and the reply would either be, “I do not know” or for the better informed, “Yahweh is the god of the Jews” and I would again say wrong.
The creator of the universe is not god or called God. No.
So If anyone is praying to God, (however it is spelled); it must be made clear that one is contacting a pagan deity and not the one Elohim who created the Universe . We are missing the mark in the true sense, when we call Yahweh Elohim, another name that is not his name.
Having said that, I must make it clear that I had to correct the names that Tracey Rich used in the article below, with sincere apologies, so that I can correctly refer to Yahweh, the Elohim whose nature is being discussed. It is needful for people to understand the flaw in using the term God to refer to Yahweh Elohim, because it leads to deceit and people must be able to connect with Yahweh, not with any other deity, by calling his rightful name if we all are to find life.
I am Apenisa Naigulevu; if you call me another name I will definitely NOT respond even though I did not name myself originally. But here we are dealing with the Mighty Creator who created the entire Universe and who said, “....... to Moshe, This is what you shall say to the children of Isra'el: Yahweh Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Avraham, the Elohim of Yitz'chak, and the Elohim of Ya'akov, has sent me to you; this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial to all generations” (Exodus 3:15). He appropriated a name for himself, yet we decide to use another.
Pretty straight forward to me; but I give you the nature of Yahweh originally prepared by Tracey Rich, and I have amended it to show that name of Yahweh Elohim with apologies.
The Nature of Yahweh
• Most areas of Jewish belief are open to significant dispute, but not the nature of the Creator
• There are several well-accepted beliefs about the nature of the Creator
The nature of Yahweh is one of the few areas of abstract Jewish belief where there are a number of clear-cut ideas about which there is little dispute or disagreement.
Yahweh Exists
The fact of Yahweh's existence is accepted almost without question. Proof is not needed, and is rarely offered. The Torah begins by stating "In the beginning, Elohim created..." It does not tell who Elohim is or how He was created.
In general, Judaism views the existence of Yahweh as a necessary prerequisite for the existence of the universe. The existence of the universe is sufficient proof of the existence of Yahweh.
Yahweh is One
One of the primary expressions of Jewish faith, recited twice daily in prayer, is the Shema, (Deut 6:4-5) which is as follows:
“Hear, O Israel: Yahweh is our Elohim, Yahweh is one; 5 And you shall love Yahweh your Elohim with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.”
This simple statement encompasses several different ideas:
a) There is only one Yahweh. No other being participated in the work of creation.
b) Yahweh is a unity. He is a single, whole, complete indivisible entity. He cannot be divided into parts or described by attributes. Any attempt to ascribe attributes to Yahweh is merely man's imperfect attempt to understand the infinite.
c) Yahweh is the only being to whom we should offer praise. The Shema can also be translated as "Yahweh is our Elohim, Yahweh is alone," meaning that no other is our Elohim, and we should not pray to any other.
Yahweh is the Creator of Everything
Everything in the universe was created by Yahweh and only by Yahweh. Judaism completely rejects the dualistic notion that evil was created by Satan or some other deity. All comes from Yahweh. As Isaiah said,
That they may know from the rising of the sun and from the west that there is none besides me; I am Yahweh and there is none else. 7 I form light and create darkness; I make peace and create hardship; I Yahweh do these things” Isaiah 45:6-7
Yahweh is Incorporeal
Although many places in scripture and Talmud speak of various parts of Yahweh's body (the Hand of Yahweh, Yahweh's wings, etc.) or speak of Yahweh in anthropomorphic terms (Yahweh walking in the garden of Eden, Yahweh laying tefillin, etc.), Judaism firmly maintains that Yahweh has no body. Any reference to Yahweh's body is simply a figure of speech, a means of making Yahweh's actions more comprehensible to beings living in a material world. Much of Rambam's Guide for the Perplexed is devoted to explaining each of these anthropomorphic references and proving that they should be understood figuratively.
We are forbidden to represent Yahweh in a physical form. That is considered idolatry. The sin of the Golden Calf incident was not that the people chose another deity, but that they tried to represent Yahweh in a physical form.
Yahweh is Neither Male nor Female
This followed directly from the fact that Yahweh has no physical form. As one rabbi explained it to me, Yahweh has no body, no genitalia, therefore the very idea that Yahweh is male or female is patently absurd. We refer to Yahweh using masculine terms simply for convenience's sake, because Hebrew has no neutral gender; Yahweh is no more male than a table is.
Although we usually speak of Yahweh in masculine terms, there are times when we refer to Yahweh using feminine terms. The Shechinah, the manifestation of Yahweh's presence that fills the universe, is conceived of in feminine terms, and the word Shechinah is a feminine word.
Yahweh is Omnipresent
Yahweh is in all places at all times. He fills the universe and exceeds its scope. He is always near for us to call upon in need, and He sees all that we do. Closely tied in with this idea is the fact that Yahweh is universal. He is not just the Yahweh of the Jews; He is the Yahweh of all nations.
Yahweh is Omnipotent
Yahweh can do anything. It is said that the only thing that is beyond His power is the fear of Him; that is, we have free will, and He cannot compel us to do His will. This belief in Yahweh's omnipotence has been sorely tested during the many persecutions of Jews, but we have always maintained that Yahweh has a reason for allowing these things, even if we in our limited perception and understanding cannot see the reason.
Yahweh is Omniscient
Yahweh knows all things, past, present and future. He knows our thoughts.
Yahweh is Eternal
Yahweh transcends time. He has no beginning and no end. He will always be there to fulfill his promises. When Moshe asked for Yahweh's name, He replied, "Ehyeh asher ehyeh." That phrase is generally translated as, "I am that I am," but the word "ehyeh" can be present or future tense, meaning "I am what I will be" or "I will be what I will be." The ambiguity of the phrase is often interpreted as a reference to Yahweh's eternal nature.
Yahweh is Both Just and Merciful
I have often heard Christians speak of Judaism as the religion of the strict Law, which no human being is good enough to fulfill (hence the need for the sacrifice of Jesus). This is a gross mischaracterization of Jewish belief. Judaism has always maintained that Yahweh's justice is tempered by mercy, the two qualities perfectly balanced. Of the two Names of Yahweh most commonly used in scripture, one refers to his quality of justice and the other to his quality of mercy. The two names were used together in the story of Creation, showing that the world was created with both justice and mercy.
Yahweh is Holy and Perfect
One of the most common names applied to Yahweh in the post-Biblical period is "Ha-Kadosh, Barukh Hu," The Holy One, Blessed be He.
Avinu Malkeinu: Yahweh is our Abba and our King
Judaism maintains that we are all Yahweh's children. A well-known piece of Jewish liturgy repeatedly describes Yahweh as "Avinu Malkeinu," our Father, our King. The Talmud teaches that there are three participants in the formation of every human being: the mother and father, who provide the physical form, and Yahweh, who provides the soul, the personality, and the intelligence. It is said that one of Yahweh's greatest gifts to humanity is the knowledge that we are His children and created in his image.